Hi, I'm new!

Hi, I've joined and decided to post as I'm having a hard time recently and a lot of things I usually suffer with have been made apparent they could be autistic traits, due to my ongoing research and training to better help and understand my autistic daughter. I've never thought of myself as autistic and there's only a few sort of parallels I can draw from my daughter. But stress about my job role changing is very daunting and suddenly I'm getting very weighed down with anxiety, racing thoughts like 50 different ones at the same time that I can't actually string a cohesive thought together. The days seem to just roll through as though I'm not there or actually noticed them. It's Erm uncomfortable, I quit nicotine a  couple of months ago and the rage has become worse and worse, it all seems to be just be piling on, and I have zero coping mechanisms other than drinking but I only allow myself that on a weekend and gaming as it let's me zone out and focus on one specific thing. Rereading this paragraph is scaring me actually writing this out loud, especially for others to read, I'm a private person.

I struggle with musical lyrics playing in my head permanently atm so when I'm trying to work it can be difficult to actually think of the task at hand.

Honestly any advice or helpful input would be lovely thank you! 

  • Hi, I am a new senior member and have recently been diagnosed with autism. I have struggled all my life, being a square peg trying to fit in a round hole, and not understanding why the world is such a cruel place and doesn't fit with my feelings. I understand very well your feelings as they echo my own.  I understand the need for alcohol, but this is only a short term fix and does no good... the only thing that I can say is that it was brave of you to write a post as it takes courage to share your inner feelings with strangers, but you deserve to be heard and hopefully my post will show that you are not alone

  • It sounds like overwhelm to me. Have you considered asking to be referred for an assessment? 

    Packing in smoking may have affected you and contributed to how you are feeling. You have lost your "fix". Well done for doing it x

  • Hello there and welcome to you,

    I cannot make any diagnosis but I can offer a few tips here and there to help you better cope with any possible autism related grates you may or may not have. 

    Trying to focus with many a thought turning around in one's mind is most unpleasant, especially when you just want fo turn off to the world. Ti's why I have a Bluetooth Eye Mask. It blocks the light out, and with the help of relaxation music you can find in YouTube, it halls me to focus on that and nothing more. Turning off all senses except to the one thing you can essentially fall asleep to. 

    For me, it's a sanctuary. And without it I may very well have gone completely nuts by now. 

    But for now, I'll allow everyone else to have their say and greet you :) But I do hope you'll enjoy your stay and that you'll find comfort in conversing with others in your position. 

    Peace be with you :)