

I'm new here, looking for a place I belong and hopefully a place of friendship as well. Would be nice as I'm currently alone. I enjoy writing and listening to music.

Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you for all of your help and support, and the warm welcome. I really appreciate you taking the time out for me it's so kind.

    You are so welcome, that is what I am here for (amongst other purposes!)

    I'm so happy to be here and really glad I joined.

    That's great and one of the reasons why it is so important to find your neurokin! Being part of my autistic community and making connections with my neurokin has a hugely positive impact on my mental health. 

    I hope you continue to enjoy your time here.

  • Absolutely, you deserve to feel understood and belong to a community.

    Thank you so much for the book recommendation! I do need to try and find more books to do with autism, they prove insightful and very useful in many ways. I'll look at picking that book up.

    You are so welcome! On that note, I have two shelves dedicated to autistic authored books about our autistic experiences (my library is ever growing) so I am more than happy to give you recommendations!

    • Drama Queen by Sara Gibbs
    • Neuroqueer Heresies by Dr Nick Walker 
    • We're All Neurodiverse by Sonny Jane Wise

    I hope these titles interest you, if not here is a link to a discussion about book recommendations and you may find a book that appeals to you:


    Have you read Divergent Mind: Thriving in a World That Wasn't Designed for You by Jenara Nerenberg?

    I've got this book and it's really useful and interesting. It mentions about autism as well as ADHD and synesthesia which is why I bought it as I've got all 3.

    Here's the link if you or anybody else is interested in taking a look:

    I started reading the book, but didn't finish it as it was pathologising our neurodivergent ways of being. I experience synaesthesia too, when I hear words and numbers they have colours and shapes. I think it is pretty cool!

    What does synaesthesia mean to you and what type do you have?

    I completely agree! I think making the decision to join here was one of the best decisions I've ever made. 

    I am so glad for you! We all deserve to belong!

  • Thank you for all of your help and support, and the warm welcome. I really appreciate you taking the time out for me it's so kind. I'm so happy to be here and really glad I joined.

  • I understand that is your experience, but it doesn’t have to be that way

    Yes that is true and this is something I've been trying to address and work on. I wasn't making much progress on my own and the other day I had a newsletter from NAS and that's when I decided to give the online community a try at last! 

    I've already encountered like minded nice people like yourself so already this a good step forward for me. It's nice to be understood and not feel utterly alone for once.

    Thank you so much for the book recommendation! I do need to try and find more books to do with autism, they prove insightful and very useful in many ways. I'll look at picking that book up.

    Thanks again for recommending it! Slight smile 

    Have you read Divergent Mind: Thriving in a World That Wasn't Designed for You by Jenara Nerenberg?

    I've got this book and it's really useful and interesting. It mentions about autism as well as ADHD and synesthesia which is why I bought it as I've got all 3.

    Here's the link if you or anybody else is interested in taking a look:


    That’s great! In terms of support, I think joining our autistic community is the best form of support there is!

    I completely agree! I think making the decision to join here was one of the best decisions I've ever made. 


  • You are so welcome!

    Anxiety is a major part of autism for so many people it's a shame there's little support available.

    I understand that is your experience, but it doesn’t have to be that way!

    Below I have linked to a great book entitled ‘Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults’ by Luke Beardon. It’s based on the brilliant equation ‘Autism + Environment = Outcome’ and gives suggestions on how to change your environment to suit your autistic needs and therefore reduce anxiety.

    I hope the book proves useful for you!


    I'm already enjoying being part of this community already, I've posted on a lot of different discussions already.

    That’s great! In terms of support, I think joining our autistic community is the best form of support there is!

  • Thank you! That's so sweet. Anxiety is a major part of autism for so many people it's a shame there's little support available. I'm grateful for this site though and kind people like you.

    Thank you for sharing the link with me Blush 

    I'm listening to John Denver this morning.

    I'm already enjoying being part of this community already, I've posted on a lot of different discussions already.