
Hi there, my name is Danny.

I'm an autistic adult, I enjoy movies, restoring classic cars and listening to cool music. I've been doing up this really cool Austin Princess I bought before Christmas. I love classics! 

This year I'm hoping will be a good one. I'm working with young children at a school but I have found it difficult, I'm hoping it will get easier the more I do.

Blooming hope so anyway!

I really wish there was more support for autistic adults but I guess that's what sites like this are for so we can be there for each other when needed.

Look forward to meeting you all and helping offer support if the occasion arises.

  • Hi Danny!

    Welcome to your autistic community!

    You are absolutely right in that there is very little support for our community in a formal way anyway that’s one of the reasons why finding your autistic tribe is so important. I hope you soon feel like you belong here, I certainly do!

    Your passion for restoring cars seems cool, what project are you planning next?

     I hope your job does get easier for you, it can take a while to acclimatise to the chaos that is the early years setting or school in general.

  • Hi Danny!

    Welcome to your autistic community!

    You are absolutely right in that there is very little support for our community in a formal way anyway that’s one of the reasons why finding your autistic tribe is so important. I hope you soon feel like you belong here, I certainly do!

    Your passion for restoring cars seems cool, what project are you planning next?

     I hope your job does get easier for you, it can take a while to acclimatise to the chaos that is the early years setting or school in general.

  • Hi thanks. 

    I'm glad you feel you belong here, I'm hoping it will be the same for me in the end as I've never really fit in anywhere before. Being autistic can be really lonely at times.

    I've always loved classic cars, they are my special interest. My uncle used to work on classic cars in a Vauxhall garage, I think that's where my interest comes from. For my next project I'm hoping to get a Morris Traveller.

    What's your interests and special interest? If you're ok to share. No problem if not.

    Thanks I'm hoping it will be easier soon. So far the biggest problem has been the noise it can be really overwhelming sometimes.