
Hello, my name is Paige. I'm not autistic, officially, but I am waiting for my assessment and according to online tests and my GP there's a very good chance I am on the spectrum. It's been such a long wait but I'm hoping this year will be the year! 

I thought joining an autistic community would offer some good knowledge and support for me.

  • Hello! I'm 40 years old and I'm a firm believer in the power of pursuing what you love. For me, that includes photography, reading, music, podcasts, colouring, and puzzles. I also attend a social group twice a month where we engage in a variety of activities, including arts and crafts, games, and guest speakers. I encourage you to explore your passions and find a community that supports and inspires you, just like I have.

  • Hello. Thank you. I think it's a good idea and healthy to do and enjoy the things you love. Speaking of podcasts I've been enjoying listening to Autism podcasts, as well as listening to audiobooks as I have struggled with reading lately.

  • Good luck with your assessment, Paige. I received my diagnosis last year, having self-identified as autistic after watching a lot of YouTube videos. There are some great channels, such as Adult with Autism, Autism from the Inside, Foster on the Spectrum, and Yo Samdy Sam. I've started my own channel, which I hope will be useful and at least mildly entertaining: Autistic Not Alien - YouTube (Pardon the shameless plug.)

  • Good luck with your assessment, Paige. I received my diagnosis last year, having self-identified as autistic after watching a lot of YouTube videos. There are some great channels, such as Adult with Autism, Autism from the Inside, Foster on the Spectrum, and Yo Samdy Sam. I've started my own channel, which I hope will be useful and at least mildly entertaining: Autistic Not Alien - YouTube (Pardon the shameless plug.)

  • Thank you! Slight smile I've bought a lot of books on autism, listen to Podcasts and I'm also following a lot of Youtubers. Your channel looks interesting, I'll be sure to check your own videos out as well. I self identify currently but I am almost 100% I have autism. I'm anxiously and excitably awaiting my assessment.