New to I a freak?

Hi all, I'm newly diagnosed as hiighly functioning autistic.......still not sure of the meaning of this! Am I a freak? I don't really know how to feel about this diagnosis and what that means for the long term!. Any advice fro.a done who is like me? I would really be grateful! Thanks In advance.....any help/ support would be appreciated 

  • Am I a freak

    Absolutely not. I get why you ask the question. When I was was a teenager, 46 now, only recently diagnosed, a recurring thought I had was 'I just want to be normal'. I was going through an alternative phase and looked and felt differently to others. My diagnosis has allowed me to reframe that.

    I have learned to revel in my difference to others. Different is good. Read stuff about neurodiversity and how being autistic is a normal part of human development. That's a good thought process to go down.

  • Am I a freak

    Absolutely not. I get why you ask the question. When I was was a teenager, 46 now, only recently diagnosed, a recurring thought I had was 'I just want to be normal'. I was going through an alternative phase and looked and felt differently to others. My diagnosis has allowed me to reframe that.

    I have learned to revel in my difference to others. Different is good. Read stuff about neurodiversity and how being autistic is a normal part of human development. That's a good thought process to go down.

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