New to I a freak?

Hi all, I'm newly diagnosed as hiighly functioning autistic.......still not sure of the meaning of this! Am I a freak? I don't really know how to feel about this diagnosis and what that means for the long term!. Any advice fro.a done who is like me? I would really be grateful! Thanks In advance.....any help/ support would be appreciated 

  • Hi mate. Welcome here.

    No you're not a freak, you're just different, you see the world differently and act differently but that's not a bad thing and it certainly doesn't mean you're a freak.

    The diagnosis affects everybody differently. For some it can be a confusing time but for others it's a comfort and peace of mind. Being autistic isn't easy, especially when you struggle with other things like anxiety and health difficulties, but you can find ways to cope.

    Stick around here. It's an honest good community.

  • Hi mate. Welcome here.

    No you're not a freak, you're just different, you see the world differently and act differently but that's not a bad thing and it certainly doesn't mean you're a freak.

    The diagnosis affects everybody differently. For some it can be a confusing time but for others it's a comfort and peace of mind. Being autistic isn't easy, especially when you struggle with other things like anxiety and health difficulties, but you can find ways to cope.

    Stick around here. It's an honest good community.

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