New to I a freak?

Hi all, I'm newly diagnosed as hiighly functioning autistic.......still not sure of the meaning of this! Am I a freak? I don't really know how to feel about this diagnosis and what that means for the long term!. Any advice fro.a done who is like me? I would really be grateful! Thanks In advance.....any help/ support would be appreciated 

  • I'm newly diagnosed as hiighly functioning autistic

    Whoever diagnosed you has not used the correct terminology, as functioning labels are not and never were an official diagnostic term. They clearly were not following the latest NHS guidelines, which make it clear that functioning labels should not be used.

    You may function well in one environment but be completely unable to function in another. It is a widely misunderstood term which actually prevents autistic people deemed 'high functioning' from receiving the support they need.

    Am I a freak?

    That does seem a somewhat odd question to ask on an autism form unless you are deliberately trying to provoke. Are we all freaks? I suppose that depends who you ask. I am curious as to why you would think that.

    For the avoidance of doubt the answer is no. Your brain works differently to the neurotypical majority. Different not less.

  • I'm newly diagnosed as hiighly functioning autistic

    Whoever diagnosed you has not used the correct terminology, as functioning labels are not and never were an official diagnostic term. They clearly were not following the latest NHS guidelines, which make it clear that functioning labels should not be used.

    You may function well in one environment but be completely unable to function in another. It is a widely misunderstood term which actually prevents autistic people deemed 'high functioning' from receiving the support they need.

    Am I a freak?

    That does seem a somewhat odd question to ask on an autism form unless you are deliberately trying to provoke. Are we all freaks? I suppose that depends who you ask. I am curious as to why you would think that.

    For the avoidance of doubt the answer is no. Your brain works differently to the neurotypical majority. Different not less.

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