New adult member, very probably autistic


I am an adult who is very likely autistic.  I am not yet diagnosed.  But I do seem to have many autistic traits and I score highly on a wide variety of online tests for autism and alexithymia.

I've not yet taken the step of even asking for diagnosis.  My thought on this is that the services for this are already stretched and I am not sure what I am going to achieve now by getting this.  I am in my mid-50s and fairly well established at work (I am a software developer).  So, I am not sure how much getting a diagnosis right now helps. I am certainly not sure how it would sit with my employer.

Alexithymia (an inability to identify and describe my emotions and connect physical sensations with them) is something which I particularly struggle with.  I didn't previously know that I experience this, but recent family events have brought this to the fore.

My wife and one of my teenage sons are neuro-typical and can usually work around the confusion and difficulties I cause - up to a point.  But my other teenage kid is autistic himself and my relationship with him is particularly difficult for the whole family because seeing eye-to-eye with him rarely happens.

I find it very difficult to talk to people - even online.  In person, I tend to take a long time, trip over my words or say the wrong word and confuse or annoy people.  This is a major hindrance to my personal relationships at all levels.  It makes being effective and assertive very difficult for me.

I guess I interested in hearing from others in a similar situation, particularly another dad struggling with an autistic teenage child.

Best wishes to all

  • My son is as autistic as I am. Neither of us quite understands this world but in some way we understand each other and manage to not feel as quite alone. My advice would be to get a diagnosis to I  some way help.ypu move forward. I took a number of years to request the diagnosis and have recently been told I am highly functioning autistic. Its odd but it made me feel less weird like the diagnosis actually helped me in some small way. Maybe it could for you? If nothing else maybe you could have an easier life with your wife and child? I hope you find the answer......... here if you need someone to talk to 

  • My son is as autistic as I am. Neither of us quite understands this world but in some way we understand each other and manage to not feel as quite alone. My advice would be to get a diagnosis to I  some way help.ypu move forward. I took a number of years to request the diagnosis and have recently been told I am highly functioning autistic. Its odd but it made me feel less weird like the diagnosis actually helped me in some small way. Maybe it could for you? If nothing else maybe you could have an easier life with your wife and child? I hope you find the answer......... here if you need someone to talk to 

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