Hello, newly diagnosed and overwhelmed!

Hi everyone. I'm Natalie. I found out that I am autistic a few months ago at the age of 36 (although I always felt I was different). I am struggling to understand what this means for me although I am very relieved to have the diagnosis. My main struggles are with sensory stuff - noises, smells and bright lights are awful and I can't go shopping, and trips to cafes or restaurants take a lot of forward planning! I get very overwhelmed by new things, changes to plans and decision making often results in a massive melt down. I'm actually very empathic and am struggling with people assuming that I'm not because I'm autistic.

I love nature, wildlife and birds in particular - I love going birdwatching at my local nature reserves. Any other bird enthusiasts out there? I also love listening to my favourite music, rock and metal but really can't tollerate most other types of music.

I'm hoping to join in discussions here and hopefully learn something.

  • I love going birdwatching at my local nature reserves. Any other bird enthusiasts out there?

    Hiya! Well this is a healthy hobby. You might like the book Bird Therapy by Joe Harkness, it might give you a bit of guidance at this time.

    I am struggling to understand what this means for me although I am very relieved to have the diagnosis

    It means you're autistic! I was diagnosed at 37 almost 2 years ago. Use the information to structure your life in a way that suits you. I found the diagnosis essential as it explained a lot. Since then I've been able to approach my life more in a way that suits my specific ASD needs. Real mental health boost there.

  • Thank you for the welcome and the book recommendation, I'll look that one up, it sounds good.

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