Hello, newly diagnosed and overwhelmed!

Hi everyone. I'm Natalie. I found out that I am autistic a few months ago at the age of 36 (although I always felt I was different). I am struggling to understand what this means for me although I am very relieved to have the diagnosis. My main struggles are with sensory stuff - noises, smells and bright lights are awful and I can't go shopping, and trips to cafes or restaurants take a lot of forward planning! I get very overwhelmed by new things, changes to plans and decision making often results in a massive melt down. I'm actually very empathic and am struggling with people assuming that I'm not because I'm autistic.

I love nature, wildlife and birds in particular - I love going birdwatching at my local nature reserves. Any other bird enthusiasts out there? I also love listening to my favourite music, rock and metal but really can't tollerate most other types of music.

I'm hoping to join in discussions here and hopefully learn something.

  • Had not heard of either of them before, so just checked them out on YouTube. Quite intense!

  • Hi Natalie, I'm very newly diagnosed too, only yesterday! I'm a 39 year old female and like you I'm feeling overwhelmed by it. I just want you to know you're not alone. Two hearts

  • Thank you! At the moment Beast in Black and Epica. Saw them both live last year, awesome! 

  • Hi Natalie, I hope you enjoy the forum.

    I am a big fan of geese - often see and hear them flying low overhead when out for a walk, and they always make me smile.

    But enough of this bird talk, more importantly who are your favourite rock/metal acts?!

  • Thanks for the welcome Zengarden! I love the dawn chorus too! Yes, I've done the RSPB bird watch survey a few times now, I'd forgotten about it this year so thanks for the reminder. 

  • Thank you for the welcome! Thanks for that article, that describes me really well. I just wish other people wouldn't make assumptions. 

  • I like looking at the little ones that visit my feeder, but have no idea what 90% of them are!

    That's great, it doesn't matter if you don't know what they're called, they're still beautiful to watch.

    I loved the BBC autism documentaries Chris Packham did, they were really helpful and encouraging. I think it's great that he's openly autistic, I've always loved watching his documentaries, his enthusiasm and knowledge about nature is amazing.

  • Hello 

    I enjoy watching the birds on the feeder and listening to the dawn chorus. Think they're protecting me. Every year, I do the RSPB bird survey and am waiting for my pack to arrive. There is a local birdhide unfortunately the footpath is full of dogs without leads. I get nervous. Would you like to do this? 2021, most people did this due to the lockdown/tier system. 

    Noise when people talk too loud, music volume turns up to the maximum. Got ears like a bat where the slightest noise triggers anxiety. Bright lights as well. 

    Tonight is supposed to be the first community group meeting and cancelled. The next one is in two weeks in the afternoon. Advanced warning. 

  • Welcome to the community Relaxed

    I love getting out into nature and birdwatching too.

    I'm actually very empathic and am struggling with people assuming that I'm not because I'm autistic.

    It's sad that autism continues to be so misunderstand by so many people. Autistic people can show empathy in different ways and many actually have hyper empathy.


  • Thank you for the welcome and the book recommendation, I'll look that one up, it sounds good.

  • Hi Natalie, welcome aboard and hope you get a lot of comfort and support from this lovely community. 

    "Any other bird enthusiasts out there?" I like looking at the little ones that visit my feeder, but have no idea what 90% of them are! You may already be aware, but Chris Packham (famous bird enthusiast and presenter) is openly autistic and has been a powerful force for autistic advocacy and awareness, even making a documentary or two about the lived experience and how to process that "what this means for me" that you are understandably thinking a lot about. I imagine the iPlayer still has those programmes to view, although I have now strayed quite some way from the topic of birdwataching! Er, anyway, best wishes to you. 

  • I love going birdwatching at my local nature reserves. Any other bird enthusiasts out there?

    Hiya! Well this is a healthy hobby. You might like the book Bird Therapy by Joe Harkness, it might give you a bit of guidance at this time.

    I am struggling to understand what this means for me although I am very relieved to have the diagnosis

    It means you're autistic! I was diagnosed at 37 almost 2 years ago. Use the information to structure your life in a way that suits you. I found the diagnosis essential as it explained a lot. Since then I've been able to approach my life more in a way that suits my specific ASD needs. Real mental health boost there.