Hello, newly diagnosed and overwhelmed!

Hi everyone. I'm Natalie. I found out that I am autistic a few months ago at the age of 36 (although I always felt I was different). I am struggling to understand what this means for me although I am very relieved to have the diagnosis. My main struggles are with sensory stuff - noises, smells and bright lights are awful and I can't go shopping, and trips to cafes or restaurants take a lot of forward planning! I get very overwhelmed by new things, changes to plans and decision making often results in a massive melt down. I'm actually very empathic and am struggling with people assuming that I'm not because I'm autistic.

I love nature, wildlife and birds in particular - I love going birdwatching at my local nature reserves. Any other bird enthusiasts out there? I also love listening to my favourite music, rock and metal but really can't tollerate most other types of music.

I'm hoping to join in discussions here and hopefully learn something.

  • Hi Natalie, welcome aboard and hope you get a lot of comfort and support from this lovely community. 

    "Any other bird enthusiasts out there?" I like looking at the little ones that visit my feeder, but have no idea what 90% of them are! You may already be aware, but Chris Packham (famous bird enthusiast and presenter) is openly autistic and has been a powerful force for autistic advocacy and awareness, even making a documentary or two about the lived experience and how to process that "what this means for me" that you are understandably thinking a lot about. I imagine the iPlayer still has those programmes to view, although I have now strayed quite some way from the topic of birdwataching! Er, anyway, best wishes to you. 

  • Hi Natalie, welcome aboard and hope you get a lot of comfort and support from this lovely community. 

    "Any other bird enthusiasts out there?" I like looking at the little ones that visit my feeder, but have no idea what 90% of them are! You may already be aware, but Chris Packham (famous bird enthusiast and presenter) is openly autistic and has been a powerful force for autistic advocacy and awareness, even making a documentary or two about the lived experience and how to process that "what this means for me" that you are understandably thinking a lot about. I imagine the iPlayer still has those programmes to view, although I have now strayed quite some way from the topic of birdwataching! Er, anyway, best wishes to you. 

  • I like looking at the little ones that visit my feeder, but have no idea what 90% of them are!

    That's great, it doesn't matter if you don't know what they're called, they're still beautiful to watch.

    I loved the BBC autism documentaries Chris Packham did, they were really helpful and encouraging. I think it's great that he's openly autistic, I've always loved watching his documentaries, his enthusiasm and knowledge about nature is amazing.