
Hey, I'm Kitty.
I'm new here and I guess you could say I'm pretty new to my diagnosis of autism as I was diagnosed in 2020 but had long suspected I might be autistic in my early 20s.

I always had signs of autism when I was little, not that I realised it then of course but I never fit in and my whole life that's never changed which is why I've decided to join here as I'm hoping it will be a place I can be myself and hopefully will fit in.

Despite some of the issues autism brings I am really happy and proud to be autistic. It's difficult at times but I see a lot of positives in my life because of it. Like how passionate I am about my hobbies and interests. I lack social skills unfortunately but I like to think I'm a nice friendly person.

I find peace in music and lately I've been doing creative stuff from the comfort of my room. Oh and I've been binge watching One Foot In The Grave. I have a love of vintage TV series Sweat smile 

Nice to meet you! 

  • Nice to meet you! I really admire how you said you see a lot of the positives of it. There are positives to autism, for sure- it can be so easy for me to overlook those things when I'm struggling. It's nice to be reminded that they're there Slight smile

  • Nice to meet you! I really admire how you said you see a lot of the positives of it. There are positives to autism, for sure- it can be so easy for me to overlook those things when I'm struggling. It's nice to be reminded that they're there Slight smile

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