Denied Autism Assessment

I have posted here before. I am 35 male. 

I spoke to my doctor and they said I should do an assessment for autism and they put me forward to a clinic. I did the autism assessment form with my mum. I filled in everything and totally packed out the extras page. 

The clinic I was sent to has terrible reviews on how they say you're not autistic if you're chatty etc. they denied someone instantly for pulling out their chair for their wife. 

Anyway I didn't hear off them so I rang the doctors and another doctor said my application was denied because I didn't give enough information. It honestly baffles me because I packed that page out. The doctor then said after talking to me I am too sociable to have autism, which annoyed me. 

My uncle has autism and has never worked due to it and has a carer but is the most sociable person. At the time I was like ok but over time I feel more wound up. 

It really disappointed me. I'm tired of being told that I don't need to be diagnosed or there's no cure for autism. I don't want to be cured but when I looked into it so so much made sense for me. Now I feel like I am a liar with anxiety that's my own fault due to not having perfect diet etc. 

Getting diagnosed would have been like my brain had finally been pieced together and I could have guided through life knowing this. 

I am considering paying over £2000 for a private assessment but if I do that to be told I just have anxiety I will be real stressed. I work full time but saving the money would be hard. 

Has anyone else had experience like this or has advice? 

  • Hi

    I'm sorry you've had such a negative response to your attempts to get an assessment for your autism. 

    The bit about the doctor saying you're too sociable to be autistic is utterly ridiculous! I was married for 34 years (in fact my late husband enabled me to appear neurotypical as I just kind of coasted along on his coat tails!) And even though I'm now diagnosed I still get folks denying me because I can be sociable (fake and leaves me utterly exhausted)

    I've realised that it's perfectly acceptable to self diagnose (as most of us do a very deep dive into the ins and outs of how autistic brains work and see ourselves reflected back) but having that official stamp of approval can be important - especially if (like me) you have imposter syndrome 

    I didn't go to my doctor because I thought that at my age (62) I would get laughed out of the surgery. My private assessment didn't cost anything like £2000 (and is now officially on my medical record) so be sure to look around. 

    Don't give up. Good luck


  • Hi

    I'm sorry you've had such a negative response to your attempts to get an assessment for your autism. 

    The bit about the doctor saying you're too sociable to be autistic is utterly ridiculous! I was married for 34 years (in fact my late husband enabled me to appear neurotypical as I just kind of coasted along on his coat tails!) And even though I'm now diagnosed I still get folks denying me because I can be sociable (fake and leaves me utterly exhausted)

    I've realised that it's perfectly acceptable to self diagnose (as most of us do a very deep dive into the ins and outs of how autistic brains work and see ourselves reflected back) but having that official stamp of approval can be important - especially if (like me) you have imposter syndrome 

    I didn't go to my doctor because I thought that at my age (62) I would get laughed out of the surgery. My private assessment didn't cost anything like £2000 (and is now officially on my medical record) so be sure to look around. 

    Don't give up. Good luck


  • Hi inula,

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. I definitely have imposter syndrome but I also think why am I so obsessed about proving I have ASD? If I was neruotypical I wouldn't be searching. Like I said before I actually don't mind if I have autism it's pretty cool. I just really want to be told I am. It would help me navigate life better. 

    Since I was 16 I have been the doctors at least 10 times for being confused about anxiety. I 100% know it's not a normal anxiety disorder. They always just offer anti depressants and beta blockers. I don't really have panic attacks it's just an unnatural obsessing over stuff. The doctors don't care they just want a quick in and out. 

    I have also paid for 2 psychologist's and had a NHS therapist over the years. They mainly just push what they're into onto you. Suc as tapping or CBT that does absolutely nothing. I really stuck with CBT as I despise hair cuts. It did nothing because if I am autistic that's how my brain works. I never told them I may be autistic because this is more recent realisation.

    I feel your pain though. Even my dad says ... But if you are autistic there's no medicine for it. I don't care about that I enjoy that I can get deeper and more obsessive about subjects I like than a neruotypical person. It would vastly help with socialising as I burn out real hard sometimes. Most people in family and work are nice already though. 

    Thanks for listening it's nice to feel heard!