
Hello everyone. I appeared about 8 months ago when I was helping one of my adult sons seek diagnosis. 

To my utter surprise I find myself in the middle of the diagnosis process for myself. After much research and thinking - and a push from my sympathetic manager at work - I asked my GP for a Right to Choose referral. I went for Skylight Psychiatry and it’s proving much quicker than expected.  I always knew I was a bit weird but never had it occurred to me that I might be autistic. With the way things are going that looks very likely. 

I am completely kerfuffled by this turn of events. Lightbulb after lightbulb is switching on as suddenly so many of my difficulties make sense. Since the last appointment - the life history one - which was the first time I’ve spoken openly about how difficult I find life - I’ve been unable to sleep properly. No idea with what of course as I’ve also learned I don’t know which emotion I’m experiencing. 

I’m sure I will ask lots of daft questions as I work out how or if I explain myself to my friends and family. It hasn’t gone well so far - after all I’ve been masking for 59 years.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Sparrow 

    im pretty much in the same place as you. I’m 49 but have yet to seek a diagnosis. I’m currently doing that for my 8yr old. As with you my partner doesn’t want to discuss and I feel alone in all this. I know exactly what you mean with those moments you have when you realise things from your past start to make sense.

    hope it gets easier for you

  • Happy New Year! Still alive! Since I last posted I’ve been flattened by work and I’m still not sleeping properly. I haven’t disappeared. I hope everyone has been having an ASD - friendly Christmas. We’re still on the Quality Street and mince pies here and having a very quiet time, just as we like it.