Am i Autistic ?


I've recently received a lot of comments from my workplace that I don't behave "normally." My best friend has been telling me for a year now that I might be autistic, as I exhibit many of the signs. Since then, I've been doing a lot of research and found a lot of similarities and signs that match my behavior. I haven't talked to my parents about it because we're not on good terms, so I don't really have support. I'm now kindly asking if anyone has tips on what I should do.

  • Why not ask them whats normal? 

    You either live without knowing, or you accept that you are or not, or you seek a diagnosis. 

    A colleague used to say to me...."you dont half pull some funny faces sometimes", she stopped saying it when i discovered that i was autistic. 

    You could say in response, that you think you may be autistic? 

    It was a relief to me when i knew x

  • Why not ask them whats normal? 

    You either live without knowing, or you accept that you are or not, or you seek a diagnosis. 

    A colleague used to say to me...."you dont half pull some funny faces sometimes", she stopped saying it when i discovered that i was autistic. 

    You could say in response, that you think you may be autistic? 

    It was a relief to me when i knew x

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