Am i Autistic ?


I've recently received a lot of comments from my workplace that I don't behave "normally." My best friend has been telling me for a year now that I might be autistic, as I exhibit many of the signs. Since then, I've been doing a lot of research and found a lot of similarities and signs that match my behavior. I haven't talked to my parents about it because we're not on good terms, so I don't really have support. I'm now kindly asking if anyone has tips on what I should do.

  • What did you do after your tests came out that there is a high indication to be autistic?

  • Yes thank you i tried multiple ones and they all came out the same but i haven't tried those. So i think i will do that.

  • Yes i took multiple one. They have also scored me to be likely autistic

  • What they think is weird might be completely normal for someone with autism.

    Have you thought of trying an online test? Though it's not an official diagnosis a high score might help you better understand whether autism is something you're experiencing.

    The AQ test is free to do and my brother and I both did this test and it brought me a comfort then because it gave me a high indication that i had autism.

    And turns out - I was autistic!

    Here's the link in case you want to give this a try.

    And here's the link for the RAADS test.

    Just remember no matter what there's no such thing as 'normal'. We're all normal in our way.

  • Have you taken any of the online tests that are available from reputable organisations? They're not completely foolproof but they can be indicative and they're sometimes used as screening tools by the NHS. I took a few of those on the suggestion of my wife and they all scored me as likely to be autistic, which I was then able to take to my GP to get referred for assessment.

  • Why not ask them whats normal? 

    You either live without knowing, or you accept that you are or not, or you seek a diagnosis. 

    A colleague used to say to me...."you dont half pull some funny faces sometimes", she stopped saying it when i discovered that i was autistic. 

    You could say in response, that you think you may be autistic? 

    It was a relief to me when i knew x