Hello Everyone

I'm in my early 40s and was diagnosed with autism just two months ago, so I'm still getting to grips with how it's impacting me and how best to respond.

  • Hi

    I'm 44 and just diagnosed last month. Came out of the blue for me so still wrapping my head around it all! I really want to find some local people in a similar situation as I'm thinking it'll help. I just don't know where to start!

    I've been going over and over my whole life, looking at it from a new angle and it's a lot to deal with. I've only told a handful of people and not even my parents yet. No idea where to start with that one.

  • Hi

    I'm 44 and just diagnosed last month. Came out of the blue for me so still wrapping my head around it all! I really want to find some local people in a similar situation as I'm thinking it'll help. I just don't know where to start!

    I've been going over and over my whole life, looking at it from a new angle and it's a lot to deal with. I've only told a handful of people and not even my parents yet. No idea where to start with that one.

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