Late diagnosis


I have struggled with my mental health for decades. I had been diagnosed with treatment resistant depression as it seemed no amount of SSRI/ SNRI CBT etc was of any benefit. It wasn't until last year that a phycologist asked if anyone had discussed that I may be autistic, obviously I was a little surprised as I hadn't considered it (thinking back I shouldn't have been that surprised).

I'm now on the waiting list for a formal diagnosis (3-5 year waiting list).

After a bit of research and self discovery I'm of the opinion that I am indeed autistic and that a weight has become less of a burden.

I struggle with stress and it massively impacts my daily life. My GP has suggested that I go back into antidepressants but I'm very reluctant as I've never found them to be beneficial. I try mindfulness/meditation but I find it difficult to quieten/slow my mind. I've asked my GP about pregabalin but they will not prescribe it.

I'm feeling as I'm at a bit of an impasse.

Any suggestions or questions I could ask would be gratefully received.

  • Hi Hergé, sorry to hear about your depression. I don't suffer with it myself, but my son does (on and off) and it's a horrible disease. From what I've read, stress can sometimes be a reason for depression meds not working - so maybe have a chat with your GP about alternative anxiety meds/treatments first?

  • Thank you. Since my preliminary diagnosis I haven't been feeling quite as low, it's given me some sort of clarity and understanding of why I feel as I do.

    I've discussed this several times with my GP but they just seem to push the standard ssri. They have now referred me back to the phycology services, so hopefully I may get somewhere.

    Previously I've discussed whole thing with a phycologist who said that an ASD person doesn't always respond to standard treatment which includes medication and CBT.

    All the best to you and your son.

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