Want to make friends or need help making friends?

Hello everyone,

I am Mark. I hope this message finds you all well. I want to connect with others who might be feeling the same way that I do. I am not sure if I am looking to make friends or create lasting connections. I sometimes wish I could talk to some one when I am in trouble. Someone maybe, could guide me? I would at least like to know what shouldn't do. Or maybe, just talk about things.

Perhaps we could talk about films. I almost never miss a movie in the cinemas. I'm just not really into tv shows and series. Its just I hate to stop in the middle, and I might end up binge-watching the whole thing and I have a really bad perception of time.

I like listening to music. I like Linkin Park, Led Zeppelin, Queen, AC/DC, ABBA, Deep Purple, Madonna, Tame Impala, etc. (please suggest me some artists, if you find similar songs interesting.) 

I take long nature walks, museums, parks. I like animals. I always go to a nearby park and feed squirrels, or ducks. 

I wouldn't say I don't like social interactions. I just don't like it when I don't know what to do. Or when people don't split the bill.( I know you are trying to be nice, but it's going to bug me for days). I like board games. 

I understand we're all in different stages of life and have our own unique personalities and needs, And I am open to any opinion you have and I completely respect that. I am just trying to find a way to fit in somewhere, and I have no idea what I am. 

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and perhaps getting to know some of you better. Feel free to share your experiences, insights, or even your own journey in seeking friendship. 

Warm regards,


  • I think a lot of it isn't you. It's very hard these days to find people who want to make deep connections and actually put time in to a relationship. 99% of what we'll find are superficial people who will talk to us sometimes but only if they're not doing something more interesting.

    Relationships just aren't a priority for most people from what I've seen. I've tried making friends a lot of times now and I get so far but generally no deep connection and proper friendship achieved, just I was someone to chat to when they had nothing better to do.

    I'm not sure I've made friends here. I hope so.. It feels like it, but that might just be me. I worry I'm a detestable person and people don't like me but I try really hard to fit in. This is the only place I've ever really felt like myself and happy.

  • I never realized how many superficial friends I have. Most of them doesn't even know/remember me. 

    I worry I'm a detestable person and people don't like me but I try really hard to fit in.

    That's exactly my thought. And I am really glad I could find people here who might understand that.

    (P.S. I love chocolate)

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