Diagnosed today - 23/08/2023

Hi all

Just to say that I received a very late diagnosis today. It wasn't a surprise, I have had difficulty with social interaction since being a child. I had a lightbulb moment, 4 years ago, when having counselling for anxiety and depression. I have always felt different. I feel people stare at me - though I used to dismiss this. I remained in my family home far longer than is usual. Although the diagnosis wasn't a complete surprise, it now seems real. Do I now have a new identity? And, where did I go from here? I haven't discussed my diagnosis with family as yet, as they have there own issues. 

It would great to hear from others. 

  • Hi there! Welcome welcome. I am fairly new too, but everyone (mostly) has been so kind. 

    Don't feel like you have to rush into it with your family if you don't know how they will react, you have so much time to play with now. 

    Keep messaging us back, we're happy to chat :) x

  • Welcome to the group and the start of a brilliant new chapter of your life! Blush

  • Welcome, and Congratulations on your diagnosis.

    You are still the same person that you were before, just that you now have the advantage of knowing why you always felt 'different'. The experience can be different for everyone, but be prepared for the fact that you may experience an array of different emotions... For example, an overwhelming feeling of relief, to maybe anger and frustration that it hadn't been picked up sooner.

    Sadly, the experience of the majority of adults seems to be that after receiving a diagnosis, they are more-or-less left to figure it out for themselves because support for adults doesn't really exist. It is therefore a case of going down the self-help route, by making use of forums such as this one, where we try to support each other.

    If there is anything you're unsure of, don't be afraid to ask questions. We are (mostly) a friendly community.

  • Welcome to the rest of your life. :)

    It does get better, after we realise we're not Superman.