Non employment disability discrimination

I am 67 and have recently been diagnosed with ADHD, and Level 1 ASD, Aspergers Syndrome.

I also have diagnoses of:


Borderline Personality Disorder;

General Anxiety Disorder;

I am involved in a number of claims for Disability discrimination, and cannot find any solicitors to assist/advise on non employment disability discrimination cases. Can anyone recommend anyone? I approached a firm, who boast about their being austism friendly, and trained, who then never bothered to respond! 

I have recently suffered discrimination by a Solicitor, who denied that my behaviour was a direct result of my disability, despite having evidence that it was.

I am struggling and depressed. 

  • I can relate to your experience, there is a lot (too much) 'hot air' about, as is often the case sadly imo Upside down

  • I see but I’m surprised that they would consider that a reasonable adjustment. Something like ‘I have difficulty controlling my anger and may need regular breaks in order for me to calm down’ sure but I don’t think many judges or courts would consider it a reasonable adjustment to have to have someone sit there while you vent your anger at them.

    perhaps a therapist or some other clinical professional dealing with your mental health issues, but not a lawyer. Now reasonable adjustment of accepting that  you may occasionally lose your temper briefly, and at that point it’s time to take a break, that I could see being a reasonable adjustment. But having to have people just sit there for a prolonged period while you shout at them I don’t see that being accepted as a reasonable adjustment.

    again not legal advice it’s just something I’ve never heard of as a reasonable adjustment before. and in a sense a reasonable adjustment should mirror the principle of proportionality. there are less extreme ways of addressing your difficulty controlling your anger.

  • Peter, can you see the three cases I listed, when I replied to myself above?

    After not supplying the agreed RA, they stopped representing me. 

    I found out later, after the opposition solicitors slated them for not having been provided with any medico legal reports for nearly a year! I had five reports that were not sent in. That smacks of retaliation and victimisation for having complained about DD, and lack of reasonable adjustments.

  • Thank you for your assistance, and patience. 

  • Reasonable adjustments should include: 

    ·          Questions being kept simple and addressing only one point at a time; 

    ·          Allowing time for client to respond; 

    ·          Allowing for the *venting of anger and *irritability

    ·          Recognise that I may become *triggered 
    and  verbally aggressive; ANGRY
     I requested these on 23rd  January 2020, they went unacknowledged until after I had made a complaint.
    I received an acknowledgment dated 20th April 2020, there are a number of statements made about the acceptance of my request for reasonable adjustments without any of them being denied!
  • thank)Thank you for sending me this, it is reassuring. 

  • Firstly, hello and welcome to the NAS Community.

    Whilst I am unable to offer any suggestions regarding non-employment disability discrimination, I have read through the various comments and wanted to (hopefully) offer you some reassurance regarding some of the content, and your desire to edit/delete some of it.

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  • It would be really helpful if you would tell us what the reasonable adjustment they agreed to and then subsequently did not comply with was?

  • Case 1. Filed. 
    Disability discrimination (DD) by doctor not providing reasonable adjustments, removing me from the register, and  committing contempt of court by outrageously stating I was not disabled in a statement of truth to the court. The doctor had full access to my medical reports and has been reckless with the truth. 
    I am unrepresented, and was never advised about ATE, exposing me to the other sides costs. 
    Case 2. Filed 
    Solicitors acting on my behalf for a personal injury claim were incompetent, and agreed to provide reasonable adjustments, but never provided them. After making a number of complaints, they neglected to forward to the opposition  5 medico legal reports, that they commissioned, to the other side. I found this out and the solicitors have never explained their actions or how it was a "legitimate aim", they stopped representing me, citing an agreed reasonable adjustment as the cause. I believe that these were unlawful retaliatory actions for having complained about DD.
    I am unrepresented, do not have any ATE and dealing with the other sides solicitors, after my solicitor failed to respond to court papers in February 2023.
    am under time constraints to supply them with information that the solicitor failed to send! 
    Case 3. Claim Not Filed.
    My solicitor has abandoned the two above cases, which he filed. 
    He cites the same reasons, that previous solicitors have abandoned claims for. He accepted my request for reasonable adjustments, then ignored them.
    The solicitor has also acted negligently, and never provided reasonable care, skill or competence. He has not advised me properly, ignored requests to supply information, or advice, despite requesting a SAR and a subsequent complaint to the ICO. The solicitor failed to respond to the other side. 
    He failed to seek expert reports. 
    The solicitor has claimed that he does not believe my actions are a direct result of my disabilty, this is despite sending a letter in May stating I had a case, and having been sent numerous reports regarding my anger outbursts.
    Unfortunately, this solicitor has been disingenuous with his responses to complaints, I have evidence to suggest he has not been honest in his responses. 
  • I am grateful for your response. Busy going through the site. 

    I am exhausted after 5 years of searching. 

  • Non  employment disability discrimination cases are usually decided  in small claims where  lawyers do not get paid by the other side if they win. The small claims track was intended to be usable without a lawyer after all. This is why  lawyers handling non-employment discrimination cases are very rare. Due to new rules I cannot give you anything like advice on how to Bring your own case. I can however tell you that I brought my own case and then made a website explaining the process.