Discovering myself (in my 50's)

My journey to discovery began last week, when a friend suggested I may be on the spectrum and after researching I am convinced.

Aside from some other obvious traits I often feel what others feel and often it overwhelms me. Although I am getting better over the years, it can take days to recover. I struggle to work in an office as I feel too overloaded by noises, lights, emotions, it’s like I have no filter and I am looking at people wondering what super-powers they have that they can just tune it all out..!?

I honestly feel that now I have had my eyes opened – that I am happy. I was buzzing today knowing that I may not be the only person and that there are others out there that “get me” or maybe experience some of the challenges I do. Also, I feel very lucky that I can function out there.

BIG WAVE to all

  • Hi,

    I have my ASC interview on Thursday to hopefully confirm my suspicions.  I'm 51yr old and slowly discovering my "new" self.  I think it helps to recognise a reasoning behind the behaviours and thinking.  Good luck with your discovery.



  • Hi,

    I have my ASC interview on Thursday to hopefully confirm my suspicions.  I'm 51yr old and slowly discovering my "new" self.  I think it helps to recognise a reasoning behind the behaviours and thinking.  Good luck with your discovery.


