Unpleasant, domineering therapist

Bit of a weird one this - but has anyone else had a therapist (on the nhs) who is a bit bullying? 
My son switched therapist because he wasn’t making any progress (after almost a year of appointments)  and his therapist seemed to have run out of any ideas to help him. We thought it was odd because he was mainly needing help with ocd and as far as we understand there are fairly recognised treatments for ocd, but his therapist didn’t give him any good strategies to help him, and his ocd hadn’t improved at all.  So in the end we requested a change of therapist as he was beginning to feel that if this therapist couldn’t help at all then he was doomed to always be trapped with the distressing symptoms of ocd.

So he was allocated a new therapist, which we were all pleased and hopeful about. 
However this new therapist always upsets him. She is incredibly pushy and forceful in a way that makes my son feel really anxious. He’s only had 3 or 4 appointments with her and she’s already demanding huge steps from him that he finds incredibly intimidating. And when he tells her that he doesn’t feel ready for that yet she says ‘if you don’t want to have therapy then just tell me’ - giving the impression of ‘it’s my way (at a quick pace!) or the highway’. 
Today she accused me (through him) of writing his texts for him - saying it ‘wasn’t his voice’ she could ‘hear’ in the texts - even though he wrote the texts, as I would never tell him what to say to his own therapist! He has selective mutism and at times when he was at school I’ve HAD to speak on his behalf because he couldn’t talk at all, and I’ve always hated having to do that for him, but often he needed me to to represent him and get his needs met. So because we have a history of me reluctantly HAVING to do that in the past I feel incredibly offended that anyone would suggest that I would speak for my son now in this way, and not allow him his own voice. I’ve spent the last 20 years gently encouraging him to have his own voice when at all possible - the last thing I want to do is ‘put words in his mouth’ in his messages to his therapist. 

I feel this therapist is using a misogynist trope of the controlling mother, and in the process demeaning my son by inferring  he couldn’t word his own texts It’s so offensive, and when he said she was wrong about it she didn’t accept it but kept on about it. At the end of the call he came and told me about it and he was really upset about it (as was I). He felt she was accusing him of lying about the texts, and my son is scrupulously honest and to be accused of not telling the truth was very upsetting for him. 

He’s felt really unhappy and stressed after every appointment he’s had with her. We can’t ask for another therapist as we’ve only just done that. So what do we do? My son needs help so much but this therapist is rushing him at a pace he can’t cope with, and her tone is verging on bullying. What a mess.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? We don’t what to do. We both feel dreadful. 

Parents Reply
  • I’m sorry you experienced that - we’ve had that vibe too from various people in schools/Ed psychs etc. Being patronised is so infuriating and all too common sadly when it comes to ‘professionals’.

    Sometimes it feels like such a battle trying to get help (that actually helps!) that both myself and my son sometimes feel like giving up. But I’m not an expert on ocd and I feel ill equipped to give my son the help he needs and I don’t want to let him down. It’s alway led by him, and I do my best to encourage him to work with any help he’s been given by therapists etc, but often it’s so disappointing for him when things go wrong like this. I wish I had more faith in this therapist but from what he says she really does sound awful, verging on bullying. I feel so sad and worn out, we both do. 

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