Hello, Newly Diagnosed, relieved and wanting to connect

Hello, Im fresh off the diagnosis. Amazed, relieved and overwhelmed. Im having help to integrate this understanding of myself. But i want to connect with others. please say hello. I have always overfelt everything, light, smells, sounds, peoples emotions and not had a clue why i am so exhausted all the time from it. And now ahh that's why.... I am autistic.

Im 48, female, I will always get overwhelmed but this is my first step into connecting with others.

Please say hello


  • Close...that was Whitley Bay.  The Tunnel of Love was a funfair ride at the Spanish City.  I worked in the chippy there as a kid in school holidays. Thumbsup Happy days.

  • You probably know this already but your village was made famous in the lyrics of Tunnel of Love by Dire Straits. Another great song that I used to listen to all the time in my teens.


  • Thank you, I just read your blurb and it made me cry. With recognition and inspiration. Your fourth along the path, but it's one I want to walk along too. thank you for welcoming me to it. big smile

  • Haha...great song but the Coolercoats relates to the village in the NE where I live.  Thank you I will keep you updated re: assessment 

  • I hope that you can benefit from this forum.  I was around your age when receiving my diagnosis, High Functioning Autism.

  • Welcome to the forum and congrats on the diagnosis! It's an amazing feeling being diagnosed and the start to an exciting journey of self discovery.

  • Hi, I am recently diagnosed as well. I also would like to connect. Getting the diagnosis is indeed a relief, just finally getting the confirmation why are we the way we are.

  • Hello and wellcome to the community. I hope you find many friends here and wish you well on your journey of self discovery now you have a diagnosis.

  • Knowledge and understanding is helping me to slowly accept  this condition, I certainly feel much better about it now than I did at first.

    There are numerous books published on autism, and reading has certainly helped me to learn and accept; however, books can be expensive, but ebooks are more affordable and, of course, libraries are free!


  • Hello Tamsyn

    Thank you very much, It means so much to be able to talk with others. I feel i have watch life from the outside wondering how people manage the normal things, why I can't seem too. Now I know why and now it's time to understand and accept this difference. Ohhhhh there is tribe like me, how very exciting. 

    I do feel I need to clarify. I'm also on the waiting list (about 1 year in, also have 2 more to go). I'm on the waiting list for the Maudsley.

    But I have had an autistic screening with a specialist psychologist who I saw privately. Which is enough for me but they have pushed me to go for the full diagnosis as I have medical/health issues and I can't always follow the doctors in real time, I'm hoping that the autism diagnosis from the NHS will mean that the doctors give me a little more time and consideration when they're speaking with me.

    I spoke to my dad about it, and it seems I was diagnosed when I was eight years old. And the psychiatrist told my parents not to tell me as I was evidently of low cognitive ability. Which I think reflects the views of autism in girls 40 years ago.


  • Gosh, thank you ben.

    Things just get better it's such a supportive thing to write, I appreciate it a lot. So there is a gang of us late diagnosis individuals. I've never really been one for groups but feel so relieved to be here.

    I have many questions. It is amazing to have a place to be able to ask those who know, and perhaps reduce my sense of isolation and oddness.


  • Coolercoats (I initially read Cooler Cats, and have a habit of picking up snippets of words, and finding some lyrics to worm around in my head, I am now singing cool for Cats. Is this just a meeting or an Auti thing?)

    Good luck in two weeks. And as you say a clearer picture, I feel excited for you and thank you for reaching out it means ever such a lot. 

  • Thank you Bumper, I always felt that i missed lessons that others learnt. With frustration and sadness I look back at the amount of effort i put into trying to pretend to fit in. Years of studying behaviour just so I could learn how to connect with and be like normal people, I hear the shadow ringing of 'why can't you just be normal' from teachers and adults said to me as a child. It's a bittersweet joy to find this now. 

    Is 55 now viewed as mid life? I hope so.... here to greater ease and self compassion for the time ahead.


  • Thank you for making me fell welcomed

  • Hi N, welcome to the forum and congrats on your diagnosis. I'm mid 40's too and currently on the waiting list (approx 2 years to assessment), but I've found this forum such a great place for support and feeling like I've found a tribe I belong to. Looking forward to getting to know you

  • Ahhthatswhy........ Oh how well I remember that feeling. What an excellent screen-name.

    Hello 'N', I was in your position about three and a half years ago, aged 67.

    The one thing I've learned from this forum is that I am certainly not alone in receiving a late assessment / diagnosis.

    I now have the answer to the great question regarding 'Ben', but oh how I wish I  had known earlier.

    As ancient angst is resolved and perplexing puzzles are solved,  things just get better.

    Hope you have a simiar experience.


  • Hi, welcome here to connect with others! I was diagnosed with the same symptoms as you at 42. The friends here have helped me a lot. I've gotten a lot better with this and I hope you do too.


    shell shockers 2

  • Hello I'm pre assessment....my assessment date is in 2 weeks.  I'm really late possible diagnosis too as I'm 51.  I feel I already have some understanding also...I've avoided social situations like the plague the older I got.  A diagnosis will finally join a few dots on the page and I'm hoping the picture will become clearer.  Good to see you on here.