Hello, Newly Diagnosed, relieved and wanting to connect

Hello, Im fresh off the diagnosis. Amazed, relieved and overwhelmed. Im having help to integrate this understanding of myself. But i want to connect with others. please say hello. I have always overfelt everything, light, smells, sounds, peoples emotions and not had a clue why i am so exhausted all the time from it. And now ahh that's why.... I am autistic.

Im 48, female, I will always get overwhelmed but this is my first step into connecting with others.

Please say hello


  • Ahhthatswhy........ Oh how well I remember that feeling. What an excellent screen-name.

    Hello 'N', I was in your position about three and a half years ago, aged 67.

    The one thing I've learned from this forum is that I am certainly not alone in receiving a late assessment / diagnosis.

    I now have the answer to the great question regarding 'Ben', but oh how I wish I  had known earlier.

    As ancient angst is resolved and perplexing puzzles are solved,  things just get better.

    Hope you have a simiar experience.


  • Gosh, thank you ben.

    Things just get better it's such a supportive thing to write, I appreciate it a lot. So there is a gang of us late diagnosis individuals. I've never really been one for groups but feel so relieved to be here.

    I have many questions. It is amazing to have a place to be able to ask those who know, and perhaps reduce my sense of isolation and oddness.


  • Knowledge and understanding is helping me to slowly accept  this condition, I certainly feel much better about it now than I did at first.

    There are numerous books published on autism, and reading has certainly helped me to learn and accept; however, books can be expensive, but ebooks are more affordable and, of course, libraries are free!


  • Knowledge and understanding is helping me to slowly accept  this condition, I certainly feel much better about it now than I did at first.

    There are numerous books published on autism, and reading has certainly helped me to learn and accept; however, books can be expensive, but ebooks are more affordable and, of course, libraries are free!


  • I too have a publication, 'My Life with Autism.

    The above is available at all good book shops such as Waterstones from £13.99.

    If deciding to purchase, then ask for....

    Michael Feldman                                                                                                                                                  My Life with Autism.