

I'm Tobias. I was diagnosed when I was still at school but in recent years I've struggled with anxiety and depression. 

I find peace and fun in drawing, one of my hobbies. I like music as well. I've been collecting records recently and started tapes as well, set up a nice stereo at home. Music helps me relax. 

I thought of joining this community for a long time but always talked myself out of it but today decided to go for it. 

  • I have only just returned to this forum after staying away for a while. I too have anxiety and depression and enjoy music.

    Meanwhile, I hope that you can get much out of this forum if deciding to stay permanently.

  • in recent years I've struggled with anxiety and depression. 

    Can you tell us what you have tried (or been recommended to try) to help with this?

    Only share as much as you are happy with, but we always appreciate input on what has helped others.

    From my side (I'm a LOT older at 56 and only recently diagnosed) I used more neurotypical techniques of mediataion and mindfulness to get mine under control and this served me well through a stressful career in management and customer facing service roles.

    It is also very helpful for us to use hobbies to unwind and find a good balance to avoid the pressure building up to meltdown levels. It is good to see you are using these effectively.

    Thanks to your guirlfriend for helping with this so far - it can be tough for a partner of an autist (just ask my wife of 25 years) and their support is often what gets us through dark times. Remember to keep appreciating her and tell her so as we often forget to communicate this sort of emotion.

    If she is reading this - you are awesome! Thanks for this.

  • Thank you!

    Hi Debbie! Wave

  • Hello Iain,

    Thank you!

    It's a bit nerve-wracking but I'm glad I did it. Finally. My girlfriend practically had to hold my hand as I signed up! 

    Slowly but surely I'll build up to asking a few questions but for now I'm going to look around and hopefully not be too anxious to join in.

    Nice to meet you!

  • Hello Tobias, welcome to the boards!

    I'm glad you decided to join.

    There are a lot of like minded people here and plenty of good advice to be had if you want any - feel free to post if you are looking for any help (eg with anxiety) as there are a lot of people who have found effective ways of reducing this.