

I'm a 25 year old woman who was recently diagnosed with autism and have now been suggested I sign up to this community, my therapists idea I'm normally not social online or in person because of my anxiety.

I'm finding that now I know I'm autistic a lot more about me and my life makes sense which is reassuring and nice to know.

I work in a museum, talking to people about different historical items and events. This also causes great deals of anxiety but also I do enjoy talking about history, so at the same time it's ideal for me.

In my free time I like to draw, listen to music, watch films, write, study history and play Sims.

Nice to meet you! Blush

  • Hello, I totally get the boat you're in. I also envy your ability to not horribly overshare or write a gigantic wall of text like I struggle with. I was also told to join Autistic communities and it can be really reasurring and comforting to learn so many things about yourself that you may have had issues with all this time are actually normal and accepted by others like you.

    Working in a museum sounds really cool and I'm kind of envious, what area of history do you work in? It's a pretty broad subject with plenty of topics and eras in it. I'm a huge sucker for Greek mythology and Dinosaurs, but History was one of my favourite subjects when I was in school.

  • Hey,

    I'm more envious of you being able to write loads. I try to but my brain freezes, I'm like it with people as well it's really awkward.

    My historical topics are dinosaurs and Romans. Both I got in to at school and then when the job became available I went for it and I think it was my autism and being obsessed with both which got me the job! Slight smile

  • Hey,

    I'm more envious of you being able to write loads. I try to but my brain freezes, I'm like it with people as well it's really awkward.

    My historical topics are dinosaurs and Romans. Both I got in to at school and then when the job became available I went for it and I think it was my autism and being obsessed with both which got me the job! Slight smile

  • Lol I get all sorts, mostly kids to be honest but I think they try to impress their friends ha ha! Joy 

    I struggle with self love. I think it's hard to see ourselves in a positive light, other people see me better than I see myself. I think that's the case for most people. Have you tried writing some positive things about yourself? Sometimes making a list can help improve your feelings towards yourself.

  • I didn't think anyone would actually go to a museum just to try and tell someone that works there that dinosaurs didn't exist, that seems so totally wild to me but I guess there are stranger things that have happened. I never know how to handle situations with people that have beliefs that in my own mind defy logic and reason, so I don't envy you for having to deal with that at work Sweat smile

    You have a good outlook, and its one I share when thinking of others but I definitely struggle with a lot of self hate and loathing. It's a little better knowing that I'm autistic now though because a lot of the things I would beat myself up for (and be punished for by others) are traits that I now know I couldn't have helped and are completely normal within the community. It's definitely a process though and not an easy one for sure.

  • I was always dolls when I was a kid! Slight smile And bears. I got in to dinosaurs at school, thought they were very interesting and still do.

    Don't write off the idea yet. You might find your dream job tomorrow, you never know what's around the corner. I wasn't expecting to end up working in a museum but it's like my dream job now! Has its bad moments like when people try to tell me dinosaurs weren't real lol but luckily that doesn't happen much.

    ADHD must be difficult along with the autism. I've got autism, OCD and PTSD. I think these are all qualities though that make you a really nice and unique person! Slight smile

  • Roman mythos isn't too disimilar from Greek though I'm admittedly not so great with actual real history when it comes to either of them (but is still an interest). Dinosaurs are always a win though, I feel like kids pick their personality between dinosaurs, dolls, space or trucks and I was dinosaurs all of the way Joy

    I'm unable to work but have always been jealous of the idea of it, and honestly working in a museum sounds like so much fun. I definitely get the anxiety with talking though, and having to tell people about things probably requires a little bit of assertiveness that can be hard to attain.

    I think the Autism/ADHD combo means that I can't help but explain things exactly how I intend them to be, which is generally way too much and far too overwhelming for most people. So I wouldn't worry about being the opposite, I'd definitely trade! When speaking outloud to people I don't know I'm exceptionally quiet, though.