The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • Cheers for that IntenseWorld, your acceptance and understanding is and has been most appreciated :-)  As a matter of fact, your engagement with me on this thread I have found incredibly illuminating, enlightening and comforting, as I am sure so many others in this Forum have found your input to be.

    I too am unlike NT's, in that it is very VERY hard to actually offend me. There are of course exceptions when my "ego/character/persona" kicks in and overrides my "Self Awareness" (such as Orwellian "flat-earthers" insisting black is white and 2+2=5). But as a "general rule" I don't take anything "personally".

    Thanks also for the line "Don't forget, we lack empathy", I literally laughed out loud when I read that!!! Out of curiosity, was that form of humour what NT's class as sarcasm? Synchronistically, my sister asked me at the weekend how people like myself and her son could "use" sarcasm, and yet not understand it when others used it... an interesting question I thought.

    Anywayz, I think my "minor meltdown" is subsiding (to a degree) as I've been "given" something of interest to occupy my thoughts :-)

  • Cheers for that IntenseWorld, your acceptance and understanding is and has been most appreciated :-)  As a matter of fact, your engagement with me on this thread I have found incredibly illuminating, enlightening and comforting, as I am sure so many others in this Forum have found your input to be.

    I too am unlike NT's, in that it is very VERY hard to actually offend me. There are of course exceptions when my "ego/character/persona" kicks in and overrides my "Self Awareness" (such as Orwellian "flat-earthers" insisting black is white and 2+2=5). But as a "general rule" I don't take anything "personally".

    Thanks also for the line "Don't forget, we lack empathy", I literally laughed out loud when I read that!!! Out of curiosity, was that form of humour what NT's class as sarcasm? Synchronistically, my sister asked me at the weekend how people like myself and her son could "use" sarcasm, and yet not understand it when others used it... an interesting question I thought.

    Anywayz, I think my "minor meltdown" is subsiding (to a degree) as I've been "given" something of interest to occupy my thoughts :-)

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