The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • No worries.  I don't feel about that as an NT would, whereas they might get miffed at not being asked I probably do the same as you, when I have something on my mind I get it out and don't always remember to ask the other person about them, and when I do, it's because I have remembered I am supposed to, not because it came naturally.  Don't forget, we lack empathy. Wink

  • No worries.  I don't feel about that as an NT would, whereas they might get miffed at not being asked I probably do the same as you, when I have something on my mind I get it out and don't always remember to ask the other person about them, and when I do, it's because I have remembered I am supposed to, not because it came naturally.  Don't forget, we lack empathy. Wink

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