The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • When you had your diagnosis (which sounds recent) did they not give you some sort of pamphlet of support groups or anything?

    If you search on this website, there are a variety of local NAS groups and there might be social groups where you can talk at (as opposed to 'to' Money Mouth as we are oft wont to do) like-minded people on the spectrum.  Might be something there that would be of help.

    I hope the psychologist helps.  Sometimes they can be useful to give you a different perspective on things as we tend to focus on one way of looking at a problem or ourselves.

    I think not being what we seem to be should be a slogan for us at the higher functioning end.  We are struggling to mask what's going on inside (I even mentally rock back and forth when I'm stressed as unless I was in a complete meltdown I wouldn't do it publicly).  We are trying to fulfil everyone else's expectations of us, it's not what or who we truly are though.

    Stay strong.Cool

  • When you had your diagnosis (which sounds recent) did they not give you some sort of pamphlet of support groups or anything?

    If you search on this website, there are a variety of local NAS groups and there might be social groups where you can talk at (as opposed to 'to' Money Mouth as we are oft wont to do) like-minded people on the spectrum.  Might be something there that would be of help.

    I hope the psychologist helps.  Sometimes they can be useful to give you a different perspective on things as we tend to focus on one way of looking at a problem or ourselves.

    I think not being what we seem to be should be a slogan for us at the higher functioning end.  We are struggling to mask what's going on inside (I even mentally rock back and forth when I'm stressed as unless I was in a complete meltdown I wouldn't do it publicly).  We are trying to fulfil everyone else's expectations of us, it's not what or who we truly are though.

    Stay strong.Cool

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