The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • Sincere thanks for your reply Intenseworld, it was exactly what I needed to hear :-)

    I'm sure you appreciate "meltdowns" are not always "rational", and I did not "suspect" I may have offended you, it was more of a "fear" I suddenly developed (and I am grateful for your reassurance that I was mistaken in thinking I may have upset you, and also that "from your perspective" I have not been "unreasonable", that in itself is of comfort).

    I have no "support" as such to aid me in times like these, however I will discuss "events" in a few weeks with my psychologist in my second "post diagnostic session". I know it's no "big deal" in the "greater scheme of things", but to suddenly find myself weeping uncontrollably and feeling no avenue of recourse is per se, debilitating and disabling. I am angry with my "Self" as much as anything.

    Thank you also for your wish and desire to offer "advice" in "handling" my current "meltdown" experience, but I think we both know it's just something I have to "work through" myself... at least that is how it "appears" to me.

    Anywayz, thanks for the "touch-base" Intenseworld, I feel better just knowing there are no "bad vibes" between you and I (which makes me feel less "alienated").

    IntenseWorld said:
    I can sense from your words you are an extremely sensitive soul.

    Thank you for that insight mon ami, it seems it is rarely recognised (no doubt my "fault" as I am fully aware that I am not that which I appear to be!!!)

  • Sincere thanks for your reply Intenseworld, it was exactly what I needed to hear :-)

    I'm sure you appreciate "meltdowns" are not always "rational", and I did not "suspect" I may have offended you, it was more of a "fear" I suddenly developed (and I am grateful for your reassurance that I was mistaken in thinking I may have upset you, and also that "from your perspective" I have not been "unreasonable", that in itself is of comfort).

    I have no "support" as such to aid me in times like these, however I will discuss "events" in a few weeks with my psychologist in my second "post diagnostic session". I know it's no "big deal" in the "greater scheme of things", but to suddenly find myself weeping uncontrollably and feeling no avenue of recourse is per se, debilitating and disabling. I am angry with my "Self" as much as anything.

    Thank you also for your wish and desire to offer "advice" in "handling" my current "meltdown" experience, but I think we both know it's just something I have to "work through" myself... at least that is how it "appears" to me.

    Anywayz, thanks for the "touch-base" Intenseworld, I feel better just knowing there are no "bad vibes" between you and I (which makes me feel less "alienated").

    IntenseWorld said:
    I can sense from your words you are an extremely sensitive soul.

    Thank you for that insight mon ami, it seems it is rarely recognised (no doubt my "fault" as I am fully aware that I am not that which I appear to be!!!)

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