The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • Hi Alex,

    Firstly, sincere thanks for adding so quickly the ability to italicise, I appreciate how trivial it may seem to most, but it's very important to me to differentiate the words which I define and are "mine" in quotation marks, and quotations uttered by others which I tend to put in italics (along with other things).

    Thanks also for the clarification regarding the decision not to create an "underline" button, I had not considered it's appearance of an apparent "link". The strikethrough button appears redundant though as it appears to merely delete text - unless that was the intent, in which case it works! ;-)

    I think we've covered the "difficult ground" I inadvertently stepped upon with the "C" word, I fully understand the relatively "unique" and "unusual" position that topic put's NAS in legally, I've deleted what I believe was inferred as the alleged "claim" (which I had not intentionally implied), and again apologise. Please just let me know if there are any other parts of my post which are perceived as potentially problematic and I will edit them out immediately. I appreciate IntenseWorld may not comprehend the complexity of the situation, and I myself would be questioning it further had I not been through the experiences I have.

    There is one teeny tiny point I am really really trying to "bite my tongue" over, however I'm afraid I just can't, so please forgive me in advance for the next paragraph, and please don't interpret it as being "rude" as that is NOT my intent, it's just there are some things which feel soooo important to me, and this is one of them...

    Alex R - mod said:
    I'd like to reassure everyone that our relationship with you is not contractual

    Erm... I think you'll find it is... definitely, 100% for certain (and there is little in life I am certain of! *chuckle*). The "Law of Contract" requires (and has) only 3 parts, "Offer, Consideration and Acceptance". If you look at the bit in bold at the very beginning of the NAS "Terms and Conditions of Use", that is the "Offer". The "User" then THINKS about this, that is the "Consideration" (you said you don't expect us to "give" you anything for this "Service", but you DO expect us to "Comply" with the "Rules" set forth in the T&C), and if we are happy to "follow the rules" that is our "Acceptance" of the original "Offer". Therefore all 3 Lawful (and Legal) requirements of the "Contract" have been fulfilled, and if we as "users" break the T&C we may be banned (if deemed appropriate).

    There really is a lot more to this Alex ("public" verses "private" agreements for example, of which this "contractual agreement" is public), but I can see absolutely no point nor purpose in raising such issues. And I promise, I wish to cause no offense to you sir, so please do not take this as a criticism or slight, it's just "knowing what I know" and "being who I am" means I have to sometimes correct misconceptions (albeit reluctantly and humbly as in this case).

    I had two years of "Business Law" classes in college back in 1984, and unfortunately for me, spent the last 5 years obsessing over "language and law" (which is truly brain breaking stuff!). At least I received a chuckle reading the "Limitation of liability" section of the T&C's, soooo carefully worded by Lawyers, one has to laugh! :-)

    Thank you again for your reassurance that my email was validated, the superb response to my request/suggestion of an "italics" button and both yours and Anil's "handling" of a "delicate situation" regarding my unintentional transgression, it IS truly appreciated.

    I hope over time I may become a helpful, useful and valuable member of this community.

    Safe and peaceful journeys to thee and thine,

  • Hi Alex,

    Firstly, sincere thanks for adding so quickly the ability to italicise, I appreciate how trivial it may seem to most, but it's very important to me to differentiate the words which I define and are "mine" in quotation marks, and quotations uttered by others which I tend to put in italics (along with other things).

    Thanks also for the clarification regarding the decision not to create an "underline" button, I had not considered it's appearance of an apparent "link". The strikethrough button appears redundant though as it appears to merely delete text - unless that was the intent, in which case it works! ;-)

    I think we've covered the "difficult ground" I inadvertently stepped upon with the "C" word, I fully understand the relatively "unique" and "unusual" position that topic put's NAS in legally, I've deleted what I believe was inferred as the alleged "claim" (which I had not intentionally implied), and again apologise. Please just let me know if there are any other parts of my post which are perceived as potentially problematic and I will edit them out immediately. I appreciate IntenseWorld may not comprehend the complexity of the situation, and I myself would be questioning it further had I not been through the experiences I have.

    There is one teeny tiny point I am really really trying to "bite my tongue" over, however I'm afraid I just can't, so please forgive me in advance for the next paragraph, and please don't interpret it as being "rude" as that is NOT my intent, it's just there are some things which feel soooo important to me, and this is one of them...

    Alex R - mod said:
    I'd like to reassure everyone that our relationship with you is not contractual

    Erm... I think you'll find it is... definitely, 100% for certain (and there is little in life I am certain of! *chuckle*). The "Law of Contract" requires (and has) only 3 parts, "Offer, Consideration and Acceptance". If you look at the bit in bold at the very beginning of the NAS "Terms and Conditions of Use", that is the "Offer". The "User" then THINKS about this, that is the "Consideration" (you said you don't expect us to "give" you anything for this "Service", but you DO expect us to "Comply" with the "Rules" set forth in the T&C), and if we are happy to "follow the rules" that is our "Acceptance" of the original "Offer". Therefore all 3 Lawful (and Legal) requirements of the "Contract" have been fulfilled, and if we as "users" break the T&C we may be banned (if deemed appropriate).

    There really is a lot more to this Alex ("public" verses "private" agreements for example, of which this "contractual agreement" is public), but I can see absolutely no point nor purpose in raising such issues. And I promise, I wish to cause no offense to you sir, so please do not take this as a criticism or slight, it's just "knowing what I know" and "being who I am" means I have to sometimes correct misconceptions (albeit reluctantly and humbly as in this case).

    I had two years of "Business Law" classes in college back in 1984, and unfortunately for me, spent the last 5 years obsessing over "language and law" (which is truly brain breaking stuff!). At least I received a chuckle reading the "Limitation of liability" section of the T&C's, soooo carefully worded by Lawyers, one has to laugh! :-)

    Thank you again for your reassurance that my email was validated, the superb response to my request/suggestion of an "italics" button and both yours and Anil's "handling" of a "delicate situation" regarding my unintentional transgression, it IS truly appreciated.

    I hope over time I may become a helpful, useful and valuable member of this community.

    Safe and peaceful journeys to thee and thine,

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