The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • Hi there,

    The decision not to add an underline was mine, as I also work on the main website. We feel that underlining looks too much like links, so we don't use it anywhere on the site, except where links are underlined automatically.

    I'd like to reassure everyone that our relationship with you is not contractual - we don't expect you to give us anything for this service, only to keep following the rules. The legal issue about alleged cancer treatments is a specific and unusual one, and we need to be extra careful there.

    I hope this clarifies things.


    Alex R - mod

  • Hi there,

    The decision not to add an underline was mine, as I also work on the main website. We feel that underlining looks too much like links, so we don't use it anywhere on the site, except where links are underlined automatically.

    I'd like to reassure everyone that our relationship with you is not contractual - we don't expect you to give us anything for this service, only to keep following the rules. The legal issue about alleged cancer treatments is a specific and unusual one, and we need to be extra careful there.

    I hope this clarifies things.


    Alex R - mod

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