The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • Maybe it was me?  I said something about bio-resonance.  I'm confused as to which bit(s) were the offending one(s).  But surely if it's published by the individuals it's their responsibility and people know these are forums which are for discussion and not published pages by the NAS.  Plus there is usually a get-out clause somewhere about the organisation not endorsing the views of the contributors or something?

  • Maybe it was me?  I said something about bio-resonance.  I'm confused as to which bit(s) were the offending one(s).  But surely if it's published by the individuals it's their responsibility and people know these are forums which are for discussion and not published pages by the NAS.  Plus there is usually a get-out clause somewhere about the organisation not endorsing the views of the contributors or something?

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