The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • @Anil A - Mod, I took you literally and thought you meant that someone on the thread was claiming cures.  Surely just discussing what we have read about is acceptable, we aren't selling anything or advising people go and have particular treatments, just talking about things we read about.  People on the spectrum are usually great at research and absorbing information, surely we ought to be welcome to be ourselves here?

    @Dream, yes we are honest and it often doesn't go down well!  But I cannot change who I am, hence one of our many struggles in society.  For me, playing NT games would be a huge lie in itself for me.  This is why we struggle with intentions of others, because they don't say what they mean or mean what they say a lot of the time.

    RE italics, I've tried html code in forums that don't have it and it never works as you have found!

  • @Anil A - Mod, I took you literally and thought you meant that someone on the thread was claiming cures.  Surely just discussing what we have read about is acceptable, we aren't selling anything or advising people go and have particular treatments, just talking about things we read about.  People on the spectrum are usually great at research and absorbing information, surely we ought to be welcome to be ourselves here?

    @Dream, yes we are honest and it often doesn't go down well!  But I cannot change who I am, hence one of our many struggles in society.  For me, playing NT games would be a huge lie in itself for me.  This is why we struggle with intentions of others, because they don't say what they mean or mean what they say a lot of the time.

    RE italics, I've tried html code in forums that don't have it and it never works as you have found!

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