The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • Hi IntenseWorld, I haven't read back through the entire 4 pages of our thoroughly enjoyable conversation, but remember the guy I mentioned sent to prison for making "medical claims"? Due to the fact that there are a despicable group of charlatans out there prepared to profit from others suffering with "snake oil" cures, one MUST NOT EVER suggest anything not "approved" by "authorities" has any health benefits.

    I have been accused in the past of being "too honest", and it would seem that this is a trait which those of us on the Autistic Spectrum share, we speak our minds with honesty. Perhaps the NeuroTypicals tend to lack this trait?

  • Hi IntenseWorld, I haven't read back through the entire 4 pages of our thoroughly enjoyable conversation, but remember the guy I mentioned sent to prison for making "medical claims"? Due to the fact that there are a despicable group of charlatans out there prepared to profit from others suffering with "snake oil" cures, one MUST NOT EVER suggest anything not "approved" by "authorities" has any health benefits.

    I have been accused in the past of being "too honest", and it would seem that this is a trait which those of us on the Autistic Spectrum share, we speak our minds with honesty. Perhaps the NeuroTypicals tend to lack this trait?

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