The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • IntenseWorld said:
    Not at all.  It's Sertraline

    Ohhhh, I was on Sertraline for 6 weeks over Christmas in '93, felt constantly sick and miserable. When I returned to the Psychiatrist and told him he said "well you should have stopped taking them"! HUH?!? Do they not read the instructions themselves? "Do not stop taking this medicine without talking to your doctor". Sertraline was new at the time and I asked my shrink why he'd tried me on that first and not Prozac and he said "Because Prozac tablets cost £1 each whilst these cost 10p each)... I guess it's all about the money...

    It took me quite a few years to realise that my serotonin levels did NOT need "messing" with and had absolutely no effect on my "clinical depression". That reminds me, you made a good point that our "conditions" are comorbid, a complex entanglement of "symptoms" which manifest differently in each of us.

    As far as Council's go... just talking about them starts sending my hackles up I can well imagine they'd dig a hole and fill it in just to write off some money at the end of a tax year. I also find it peculiar that because I stopped "registering to vote" some years back, I started to receive "To the Occupier" envelopes from them. To me, "Occupier" is a military term for someone who is somewhere they are not supposed to be (occupied territories, occupying forces), so I am NOT an "occupier" and don't open anything addressed as such. However, the Council Tax Bill is addressed to my "given name", so the Council DO know who is here... is that odd or is it just me?

    I was also furious when looking through the booklet which arrived with said bill, the third page was headed "The War on Potholes"... I almost wrote to them saying "Do we really need another war? And since when did a war on inanimate objects make any sense?". Some guy in marketing was probably paid hundreds of pounds to come up with an emotive slogan like that which has absolutely no meaning and makes no sense *sigh*.

  • IntenseWorld said:
    Not at all.  It's Sertraline

    Ohhhh, I was on Sertraline for 6 weeks over Christmas in '93, felt constantly sick and miserable. When I returned to the Psychiatrist and told him he said "well you should have stopped taking them"! HUH?!? Do they not read the instructions themselves? "Do not stop taking this medicine without talking to your doctor". Sertraline was new at the time and I asked my shrink why he'd tried me on that first and not Prozac and he said "Because Prozac tablets cost £1 each whilst these cost 10p each)... I guess it's all about the money...

    It took me quite a few years to realise that my serotonin levels did NOT need "messing" with and had absolutely no effect on my "clinical depression". That reminds me, you made a good point that our "conditions" are comorbid, a complex entanglement of "symptoms" which manifest differently in each of us.

    As far as Council's go... just talking about them starts sending my hackles up I can well imagine they'd dig a hole and fill it in just to write off some money at the end of a tax year. I also find it peculiar that because I stopped "registering to vote" some years back, I started to receive "To the Occupier" envelopes from them. To me, "Occupier" is a military term for someone who is somewhere they are not supposed to be (occupied territories, occupying forces), so I am NOT an "occupier" and don't open anything addressed as such. However, the Council Tax Bill is addressed to my "given name", so the Council DO know who is here... is that odd or is it just me?

    I was also furious when looking through the booklet which arrived with said bill, the third page was headed "The War on Potholes"... I almost wrote to them saying "Do we really need another war? And since when did a war on inanimate objects make any sense?". Some guy in marketing was probably paid hundreds of pounds to come up with an emotive slogan like that which has absolutely no meaning and makes no sense *sigh*.

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