The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • The Council started "demanding" a portion of "Council Tax" from me, apparently the "Govern-mentis" (govern from the Greek meaning "control" originally "to steer cattle" and ment from the Latin "mentis" meaning mind, so Government literally means control the mind, and I ask you, who would vote for ANYONE to control their mind?!?).

    Anyway, point being, to quote some Government babble:
    "For the purposes of the Act a person is severely mentally impaired “if he has a severe impairment of intelligence and social functioning (however caused) which appears to be permanent”. This definition applies only for the purposes of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. The definition is not the same as the definition of “severe mental impairment” in the Mental Health Act 1983."

    Now a GP being "general" may not seize, grasp or comprehend the difference between "medical" and "legal" as they are completely different languages, however if explained to them that the definition is neither "common parlance" nor "medical", a thoughtful and kind hearted GP may be prepared to "Authorise" ("Act" as the "author" and "claim authority") to rubber stamp the Council's documents if the GP accepts those on the Autistic Spectrum are "wired differently"... maybe I've just been lucky with my GP (who recently retired which also caused an Aspie "meltdown" - which I didn't realise was actually a technical term!), and lucky also that the AD(H)D doctor happened to have been interviewed in the Rory Bremner radio program which alerted me to it being a "real" condition (as opposed to a pharmaceutical conspiracy to sell drugs to kids).

    I totally understand about coping levels changing depending upon external environmental factors, when the Council did not "respond" in the correct manner to my "Notice" I saw the envelope fall through the letterbox and for 10 days could not get off my settee (apart from the obvious necessities!). Part of what I think of as my "misanthropy" (distrust and dislike of our species) is that I've often felt like I'm amongst robotic ant like beings, no thoughts running through their minds. For some reason these type of people always appear first choice for employment in "government agencies" who say things like "I'm just doing my job, following orders"... grrrr... that defense didn't hold up in the Nuremberg Trials and it won't wash with me, people need to realise their are consequences to their actions and they are ALL "commercially liable".... Did you know that "all 'orders' are 'chargeable'?" You wouldn't go into a chip shop and order food then not pay for it would you? Sorry, I'm ranting again aren't I....

    I had no idea the government were passing an "Autism Act", I'll have to look into that. One of my fears is exactly as you say, ASD will be "normalised" and the "powers that be" will decide everyone has SOME form of autism. I'm not "normal", I never have been and never will be... mind you, "normal" doesn't actually exist in my book seeing as we're all unique individuals, however my differences are debilitating and disabling and I will never "fit" into a generalised societies acceptable scale of values (square peg round hole sort of thing). Well you said the same thing yourself really didn't you, "normal according to what society deems the term to mean".

    That was something else that came into my mind after we'd been discussing Words being Swords, words also have a "magical quality" to them, we were taught how to "Spell" were we not? So words are spells when used correctly... and I do think the "higher up the ladder one goes" concerning those "in power", the more likely we are to find we are accepted and understood.

    LoL, thanks for giving me a good chuckle with the "The system was not made for us, and it's a diabolical fight the whole way.  (Therein lies another conspiracy theory)" line, I have joked the world is run by demons and devil worshippers, but is there not a quote "many a true word spoken in jest"? *chuckle*

    Would you mind me asking what meds you're on which make your AS worse in some way? Obviously that's just a "request" with no "obligation" to answer, it's just that I've found the Concerta XL don't make me feel any different, and yet my mother, sister and one guy I've known a while think I've been different since I've been on them. SSRI's just make me feel more nauseous (and I've had stomach problems since I was a child) or they make me sleep for 16+ hours a day (so a chemical cosh is supposed to "enable" me?!?).

    Regards "labels", I'm kind of looking forward to receiving my "Autism Alert" card now I've joined. The last conversation I had when stopped by the Police a few years back was quite a surreal experience, I "informed" him I'd been "studying law" and was VERY careful how I answered his questions. In retrospect, knowing much more than I did at that juncture I would have been even MORE careful, like when he asked me if I had a license I should have said "for what? fishing?", and when he said he'd stopped me "randomly" I should have enquired how he determined "random", was he sitting in the car throwing dice? Anyway, it got weird when he asked me my name and I told him (hand in the air) "At common-law I go by the name Dream, and I really DO sir" to which he replied sternly "what is the name on your license"! Maybe I am mad, but then the world made me so :-) At least when I get my "Autism Alert" card I can pull it out like a "warrant card"... I may even make my own with "improvements" once I've seen what it says *chuckle* You know the Police are no longer taught they have NO more "power" than us? At least in my day we were taught about that sort of thing *sigh*.

    Anywayz, many thanks for "engaging" with me IntenseWorld, it's great to interact with another mind of similar ilk, albeit through the aetherial intangible world of "cyberspace".

  • The Council started "demanding" a portion of "Council Tax" from me, apparently the "Govern-mentis" (govern from the Greek meaning "control" originally "to steer cattle" and ment from the Latin "mentis" meaning mind, so Government literally means control the mind, and I ask you, who would vote for ANYONE to control their mind?!?).

    Anyway, point being, to quote some Government babble:
    "For the purposes of the Act a person is severely mentally impaired “if he has a severe impairment of intelligence and social functioning (however caused) which appears to be permanent”. This definition applies only for the purposes of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. The definition is not the same as the definition of “severe mental impairment” in the Mental Health Act 1983."

    Now a GP being "general" may not seize, grasp or comprehend the difference between "medical" and "legal" as they are completely different languages, however if explained to them that the definition is neither "common parlance" nor "medical", a thoughtful and kind hearted GP may be prepared to "Authorise" ("Act" as the "author" and "claim authority") to rubber stamp the Council's documents if the GP accepts those on the Autistic Spectrum are "wired differently"... maybe I've just been lucky with my GP (who recently retired which also caused an Aspie "meltdown" - which I didn't realise was actually a technical term!), and lucky also that the AD(H)D doctor happened to have been interviewed in the Rory Bremner radio program which alerted me to it being a "real" condition (as opposed to a pharmaceutical conspiracy to sell drugs to kids).

    I totally understand about coping levels changing depending upon external environmental factors, when the Council did not "respond" in the correct manner to my "Notice" I saw the envelope fall through the letterbox and for 10 days could not get off my settee (apart from the obvious necessities!). Part of what I think of as my "misanthropy" (distrust and dislike of our species) is that I've often felt like I'm amongst robotic ant like beings, no thoughts running through their minds. For some reason these type of people always appear first choice for employment in "government agencies" who say things like "I'm just doing my job, following orders"... grrrr... that defense didn't hold up in the Nuremberg Trials and it won't wash with me, people need to realise their are consequences to their actions and they are ALL "commercially liable".... Did you know that "all 'orders' are 'chargeable'?" You wouldn't go into a chip shop and order food then not pay for it would you? Sorry, I'm ranting again aren't I....

    I had no idea the government were passing an "Autism Act", I'll have to look into that. One of my fears is exactly as you say, ASD will be "normalised" and the "powers that be" will decide everyone has SOME form of autism. I'm not "normal", I never have been and never will be... mind you, "normal" doesn't actually exist in my book seeing as we're all unique individuals, however my differences are debilitating and disabling and I will never "fit" into a generalised societies acceptable scale of values (square peg round hole sort of thing). Well you said the same thing yourself really didn't you, "normal according to what society deems the term to mean".

    That was something else that came into my mind after we'd been discussing Words being Swords, words also have a "magical quality" to them, we were taught how to "Spell" were we not? So words are spells when used correctly... and I do think the "higher up the ladder one goes" concerning those "in power", the more likely we are to find we are accepted and understood.

    LoL, thanks for giving me a good chuckle with the "The system was not made for us, and it's a diabolical fight the whole way.  (Therein lies another conspiracy theory)" line, I have joked the world is run by demons and devil worshippers, but is there not a quote "many a true word spoken in jest"? *chuckle*

    Would you mind me asking what meds you're on which make your AS worse in some way? Obviously that's just a "request" with no "obligation" to answer, it's just that I've found the Concerta XL don't make me feel any different, and yet my mother, sister and one guy I've known a while think I've been different since I've been on them. SSRI's just make me feel more nauseous (and I've had stomach problems since I was a child) or they make me sleep for 16+ hours a day (so a chemical cosh is supposed to "enable" me?!?).

    Regards "labels", I'm kind of looking forward to receiving my "Autism Alert" card now I've joined. The last conversation I had when stopped by the Police a few years back was quite a surreal experience, I "informed" him I'd been "studying law" and was VERY careful how I answered his questions. In retrospect, knowing much more than I did at that juncture I would have been even MORE careful, like when he asked me if I had a license I should have said "for what? fishing?", and when he said he'd stopped me "randomly" I should have enquired how he determined "random", was he sitting in the car throwing dice? Anyway, it got weird when he asked me my name and I told him (hand in the air) "At common-law I go by the name Dream, and I really DO sir" to which he replied sternly "what is the name on your license"! Maybe I am mad, but then the world made me so :-) At least when I get my "Autism Alert" card I can pull it out like a "warrant card"... I may even make my own with "improvements" once I've seen what it says *chuckle* You know the Police are no longer taught they have NO more "power" than us? At least in my day we were taught about that sort of thing *sigh*.

    Anywayz, many thanks for "engaging" with me IntenseWorld, it's great to interact with another mind of similar ilk, albeit through the aetherial intangible world of "cyberspace".

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