The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • I'm only surviving on ESA and am in that work activity group thing not the support group. To be fair to JobCentrePlus (a trading name of the Department of Work and Pensions I believe), the woman there has been really understanding as she could obviously see how just being in the building was freaking me out, so now they write to me to make an appointment to phone me (because I don't/won't/can't answer my phone most of the time), fulfilling their "legal obligations" every few months but leaving me in peace.

    Now I've actually got an "official diagnosis", I find DLA has been scrapped, PIP sounds like a nightmare as it's the French data collection agency ATOS (who somehow managed to "diversify" and set up a subsidiary company "ATOS Healthcare" who's mandate is to remove people from the "Benefit System")... on top of all that, ALL "Benefits" will be abolished by 2017 to be replaced by "Universal Credit", so I have to ask, "Is there no longer any benefit to my existence? And since when did the 'Universe' become a 'bank' handing out 'credit'???"... it makes no sense to me Frown

    Ohhhh, it's enough to drive a man to drink!

    Something else that's mad, which you may not be aware of and I had to explain to my AD(H)D psychiatrist. It seems Council's now demand "some" payment off everyone (which my nature unfortunately prevents me participating in, like you're "threatened" with a £1000 fine for not "Registering to Vote", but that's all legislative nonsense). Anyway, there IS a "Remedy" for us which the Council "Offered" me when I sent back all their paperwork with "I DO NOT UNDERSTAND" scrawled across the "Bill" (understand actually means to stand-under another's claimed authority), I included the DWP paperwork which said "no tax will be deducted from my "income-related" benefit (it can't be the legal definition of "income" otherwise it wouldn't be hyphenated) and then scrawled "Deduct from Source". The "Remedy" is to get one's GP to rubber-stamp the Council's paperwork stating one is "Severely Mentally Impaired". Now this sounds REALLY bad, however as I explained to my Shrink, it's NOT MEDICAL, it's a LEGAL definition!!! He wrote a letter which "Authorised" my GP to rubber-stamp the Council paperwork, so the Council (who ignored all my Notices although after many months still did not take me to Court) finally sent me something saying I was not eligible for Council Tax Subsidies as I was not liable to pay Council Tax!

    Interestingly, I discussed this with the psychologist who diagnosed my Aspergers and she said she couldn't believe it when it was brought to her attention some time back, however she researched it, discovered it was medically meaningless, and now does the same thing as my psychiatrist does. Obviously Atos have been sent a copy of my "Severe Mental Impairment" label too, but I've not idea whether they know what's going on... the world is truly insane...

    We'd better not compare conspiracy DVD's, I have more than I can count on more subjects than I even care about any more! *chuckle*

  • I'm only surviving on ESA and am in that work activity group thing not the support group. To be fair to JobCentrePlus (a trading name of the Department of Work and Pensions I believe), the woman there has been really understanding as she could obviously see how just being in the building was freaking me out, so now they write to me to make an appointment to phone me (because I don't/won't/can't answer my phone most of the time), fulfilling their "legal obligations" every few months but leaving me in peace.

    Now I've actually got an "official diagnosis", I find DLA has been scrapped, PIP sounds like a nightmare as it's the French data collection agency ATOS (who somehow managed to "diversify" and set up a subsidiary company "ATOS Healthcare" who's mandate is to remove people from the "Benefit System")... on top of all that, ALL "Benefits" will be abolished by 2017 to be replaced by "Universal Credit", so I have to ask, "Is there no longer any benefit to my existence? And since when did the 'Universe' become a 'bank' handing out 'credit'???"... it makes no sense to me Frown

    Ohhhh, it's enough to drive a man to drink!

    Something else that's mad, which you may not be aware of and I had to explain to my AD(H)D psychiatrist. It seems Council's now demand "some" payment off everyone (which my nature unfortunately prevents me participating in, like you're "threatened" with a £1000 fine for not "Registering to Vote", but that's all legislative nonsense). Anyway, there IS a "Remedy" for us which the Council "Offered" me when I sent back all their paperwork with "I DO NOT UNDERSTAND" scrawled across the "Bill" (understand actually means to stand-under another's claimed authority), I included the DWP paperwork which said "no tax will be deducted from my "income-related" benefit (it can't be the legal definition of "income" otherwise it wouldn't be hyphenated) and then scrawled "Deduct from Source". The "Remedy" is to get one's GP to rubber-stamp the Council's paperwork stating one is "Severely Mentally Impaired". Now this sounds REALLY bad, however as I explained to my Shrink, it's NOT MEDICAL, it's a LEGAL definition!!! He wrote a letter which "Authorised" my GP to rubber-stamp the Council paperwork, so the Council (who ignored all my Notices although after many months still did not take me to Court) finally sent me something saying I was not eligible for Council Tax Subsidies as I was not liable to pay Council Tax!

    Interestingly, I discussed this with the psychologist who diagnosed my Aspergers and she said she couldn't believe it when it was brought to her attention some time back, however she researched it, discovered it was medically meaningless, and now does the same thing as my psychiatrist does. Obviously Atos have been sent a copy of my "Severe Mental Impairment" label too, but I've not idea whether they know what's going on... the world is truly insane...

    We'd better not compare conspiracy DVD's, I have more than I can count on more subjects than I even care about any more! *chuckle*

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