The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  •'d like my collection of conspiracy DVDs then!

    It's funny, I used to have conversations about all this stuff on another ASC forum with a guy in America who was heavily into conspiracy theories too and had found out some stuff related to technologies.  I think I have an inkling about what you mean.

    Yes I've had a less than satisfactory experience with the DWP about DLA.  Despite them knowing AS is a lifelong condition, which is exacerbated by other factors, they are going to review the paltry amount they awarded me within 2 years.  Do they think there will be a cure for Asperger's by then I wonder.  Considering that many of us (70%+) have co-morbid mental health issues, topped off by exacerbating factors/extenuating circumstances in my case, I don't know how they think a magic wand will have made it all OK by then.  I really need to write to them but barely have the wherewithall at the moment.

  •'d like my collection of conspiracy DVDs then!

    It's funny, I used to have conversations about all this stuff on another ASC forum with a guy in America who was heavily into conspiracy theories too and had found out some stuff related to technologies.  I think I have an inkling about what you mean.

    Yes I've had a less than satisfactory experience with the DWP about DLA.  Despite them knowing AS is a lifelong condition, which is exacerbated by other factors, they are going to review the paltry amount they awarded me within 2 years.  Do they think there will be a cure for Asperger's by then I wonder.  Considering that many of us (70%+) have co-morbid mental health issues, topped off by exacerbating factors/extenuating circumstances in my case, I don't know how they think a magic wand will have made it all OK by then.  I really need to write to them but barely have the wherewithall at the moment.

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