The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • Hello again IntenseWorld,

    Thanks for another compliment, but "smart" is relative I think, and I still maintain that any appearance of being "intellectual" or "intelligent" I project is purely illusory!

    I struggle reading and am quite slow, however some topics I have read much on, however find watching lectures, discourses or seminars much easier to follow.

    Sorry, I'll try not to mention "conspiracies" as I really wouldn't wish to wind you up (my father once said to me "you can know too much" which we argued about at the time as from my perspective, to make an "informed decision" you can only ever "not know enough", the more information and data the better... however I think now he was actually talking about something else.

    Yes, I have heard of bioresonance although not studied that particular field. My first "discovery" back in 2000 was that of Royal Raymond Rife, however the Rife generators available are NOT the same as the original technology, and without Rife's microscope to discover the unique viral, bacterial, fungal or pathogenic frequency required I think one is on a hiding to nothing.

    The next thing I came across was Bob Beck's protocol, that became an obsession, and following my fathers death I wanted to know if ionic colloidal silver and blood electrification could have saved my father. It's a looong story, but I ended up starting a business after having a machine built to my specifications. I carried out my own successful (although somewhat base and crass experiments) which "in my book" were successes.

    However I'd started the business with purely altruistic intentions, lost thousands and thousands of pounds over the years, and following my redundancy in 2009 decided to "let it go" (partially due to cost and partially for my own peace of mind). I still keep the website up for "historical purposes" because the evidence I'd collected was not just "anecdotal", some of it was pure science (such as the water purification tests carried out by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, technically a "blind study" as they had absolutely no idea what they were testing!).

    There are also free schematics which were donated to me by a chap who'd been imprisoned by the FDA whom I'd bought my first device from in 2000. He'd unfortunately made "medical claims", and despite the FDA failing to get a SINGLE CUSTOMER to complain about him, they still stuck him in gaol for a few years. I got back in touch when he was released saying I'd like to buy some schematics to give them away and he just sent them to me Smile  There's also a large "resource library" on blood electrification and ionic colloidal silver which seemed wrong to take down seeing as so much effort had been put into gathering the data and creating it.

    I remember a few years into the project I was going through the logs of who was visiting the website and was really surprised as I was doing the reverse DNS lookups (changing the numerical IP addresses into readable names) that most of them were actually from American and Canadian Universities, however I remember the panic attack I had when part way down the list the number turned out to be something like "the Israeli Intelligence Service" at which point I shut my computer off and never looked at the website logs again!!!

    But as I say, I've really had to let go of that period of my life, for my own sanity as much as anything else... like I say, long story, very painful only coming into contact with desperate and sickly people whom conventional medicine has failed *sigh* Googling "agh2o info" still appears to find the old DreamWeaver Electronic Alchemy Research Project, even though I've "laid it to rest" so to speak.

    Yes, I have heard the heart has it's own neural network giving it a memory of about 2 seconds. I'm not entirely convinced "science" is interpreting the discovery correctly though personally.

    I also agree about the number of "closed minds" or "blinkered views" the masses appear to share (although I suspect we all have our own blinkers in some sense or other). The lack of questioning I find particularly disturbing though. A lovely phrase I once heard was "The mind is like a parachute, it works best when it's open" Smile

  • Hello again IntenseWorld,

    Thanks for another compliment, but "smart" is relative I think, and I still maintain that any appearance of being "intellectual" or "intelligent" I project is purely illusory!

    I struggle reading and am quite slow, however some topics I have read much on, however find watching lectures, discourses or seminars much easier to follow.

    Sorry, I'll try not to mention "conspiracies" as I really wouldn't wish to wind you up (my father once said to me "you can know too much" which we argued about at the time as from my perspective, to make an "informed decision" you can only ever "not know enough", the more information and data the better... however I think now he was actually talking about something else.

    Yes, I have heard of bioresonance although not studied that particular field. My first "discovery" back in 2000 was that of Royal Raymond Rife, however the Rife generators available are NOT the same as the original technology, and without Rife's microscope to discover the unique viral, bacterial, fungal or pathogenic frequency required I think one is on a hiding to nothing.

    The next thing I came across was Bob Beck's protocol, that became an obsession, and following my fathers death I wanted to know if ionic colloidal silver and blood electrification could have saved my father. It's a looong story, but I ended up starting a business after having a machine built to my specifications. I carried out my own successful (although somewhat base and crass experiments) which "in my book" were successes.

    However I'd started the business with purely altruistic intentions, lost thousands and thousands of pounds over the years, and following my redundancy in 2009 decided to "let it go" (partially due to cost and partially for my own peace of mind). I still keep the website up for "historical purposes" because the evidence I'd collected was not just "anecdotal", some of it was pure science (such as the water purification tests carried out by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, technically a "blind study" as they had absolutely no idea what they were testing!).

    There are also free schematics which were donated to me by a chap who'd been imprisoned by the FDA whom I'd bought my first device from in 2000. He'd unfortunately made "medical claims", and despite the FDA failing to get a SINGLE CUSTOMER to complain about him, they still stuck him in gaol for a few years. I got back in touch when he was released saying I'd like to buy some schematics to give them away and he just sent them to me Smile  There's also a large "resource library" on blood electrification and ionic colloidal silver which seemed wrong to take down seeing as so much effort had been put into gathering the data and creating it.

    I remember a few years into the project I was going through the logs of who was visiting the website and was really surprised as I was doing the reverse DNS lookups (changing the numerical IP addresses into readable names) that most of them were actually from American and Canadian Universities, however I remember the panic attack I had when part way down the list the number turned out to be something like "the Israeli Intelligence Service" at which point I shut my computer off and never looked at the website logs again!!!

    But as I say, I've really had to let go of that period of my life, for my own sanity as much as anything else... like I say, long story, very painful only coming into contact with desperate and sickly people whom conventional medicine has failed *sigh* Googling "agh2o info" still appears to find the old DreamWeaver Electronic Alchemy Research Project, even though I've "laid it to rest" so to speak.

    Yes, I have heard the heart has it's own neural network giving it a memory of about 2 seconds. I'm not entirely convinced "science" is interpreting the discovery correctly though personally.

    I also agree about the number of "closed minds" or "blinkered views" the masses appear to share (although I suspect we all have our own blinkers in some sense or other). The lack of questioning I find particularly disturbing though. A lovely phrase I once heard was "The mind is like a parachute, it works best when it's open" Smile

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