The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • ROFL, yes, you're right, I did mean Simon not Sacha (I get confused easily *chuckle*), I don't like Ali G, and from what my mum has read out to me I don't like Simon either (although due credit to the guy, it is my understanding it is he who diagnosed that poor chap Gary Mckinnon with Aspergers who had been searching for proof of a UFO cover-up and prevented his extradition to the US).

    Are Simon and Sacha really cousins or was that a "word-play" joke?

    Babies stare at me too, feels really creepy to be honest. That said, the "human aura" is scientifically measurable (although probably not referred to with that phrase). The electromagnetic field of the brain can be measured externally, hardly surprising as we are bio-electric beings. What IS surprising is that the heart generates a magnetic field faaaar greater than the brain and can be measured from something like 10 feet away (but don't quote me on that!). I did about 7-10 years of obsessive research on suppressed medical technologies when my father died, however I got sick of the mocking as I have no "credibility", and also don't really care anymore as I really thought people would look at "evidence", and that is just not the case!

    There is a suggestion that babies can "see" aura's, which is why they stare at some people and not others, also that if one pays attention they will notice the baby staring slightly above their head and not directly at their eyes... I have no idea if this is true or not, I just remember reading about it.

    Hahaha, yes, "allusions to conspiracy theories"... I had a member of the Labour Party say to me once when I was talking to him about 9/11 "You're one of those conspiracy theorists aren't you", to which I replied "Ohhhh, you must be a coincidence theorist"! People forget, that Gravity is only a Theory, and yet it is now taught as "fact". At least when I was at school we were taught one can NEVER prove a theory, only disprove it. It's basic Socratic reasoning, we observe and form a theory, then gather evidence to support it, but it only takes a SINGLE piece of evidence to disprove a theory.

    I'm really not a smart bloke, and yet I've met so many supposedly highly intelligent and intellectual people who dismiss evidence without even looking at it because it doesn't "fit" their "belief structure". I showed my CBT counsellor the superb research of Dr. Bruce Lipton "the new biology where mind and matter meet" which show that Darwin's theory of evolution is experimentally proven wrong (not that evolution is wrong, just that "random mutations" and "survival of the fittest" is provably and demonstrably incorrect under laboratory conditions). Our species has spent BILLIONS on the Large Hadron Collider seeking out the Higgs Boson particle, which they suddenly claim to have found last year, but it was a euphoric "press release", no peer reviewed journal publication... why? Because it wasn't true, particles don't exist, they're an illusion of the "collapse of the wave function" if one wants to use the "quantum mechanics" model (and as Robert Anton Wilson made clear to me, the map is not the territory, the menu is not the meal). This is why I said in my original post about us all being of equal value, because each and every one of us creates a different mental model, but it's not real, it's just a model....

    Sorry, I'm going into rant mode, next thing you know I'll be demanding everyone question why "global warming" suddenly became "climate change".... I mean, "climate change", is that not the most insane, meaningless and banal phrase ever?!? And has anyone ever wondered why THE SUN is not included in research on "global warming" or why other planets such as Mars have increased in temperature??? *sigh*

    Back in the early 90's I was interested in UFO's, after years of research all I could PROVE and knew for sure was that "we're being lied to". A guy said to me, "Why are you so surprised conspiracies exist? It only takes two people to conspire, they're happening every day". I hadn't thought of it on a statistical level. He went on to point out that there were hundreds of thousands of people CLAIMING to have been abducted by aliens, but only ONE of them needed to be true to change the whole "we're alone in the universe" paradigm.

    Well I must thank you again IntenseWorld, for at the very least allowing me to vent my frustrations into the aether in this forum. I am aware I am an extremely complex being, paradoxical and profound in nature, and I will take it as a compliment assuming you think being "profound, philosophical and deep" is a good thing *chuckle*. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it! The trouble is, "thinking" can make one "unemployable" as there is no "profit" to be found in "bucking the system" or "fighting the machine". I was lucky to work for my parents for so many years, they accepted when I just couldn't face going to work or couldn't face seeing customers (although my dad did threaten to sack me and close the business on a number of occasions!). All this Aspergers stuff is from his side of the family though, and I'm still angry at him for dying back in 2001, all the grief he gave me about "being British" and having a "stiff upper lip" and then the bar-stuard goes and gives up on life at the age of 57... grrrrrr.....

    Sorry, it's late and I've had a tipple now... are you sure I'm not going to get banned?!? Thanks again for the "meeting of minds", I would urge you to start picking up the guitar, if only for a few minutes a day. Check out some website which shows the chord positions, E, A and D are the basis of sooooo many songs, then you can learn a C and G and within only a few weeks you'll find you can start producing sounds that are not just random noise (I assume you have some natural rhythm and timing? I can't sing to save my life, but then some people seem to think I can, so that's obviously not important, but "playing from the heart" and keeping a beat probably is).

    Thanks again, safe and peaceful journeys to thee and thine, Dream.

  • ROFL, yes, you're right, I did mean Simon not Sacha (I get confused easily *chuckle*), I don't like Ali G, and from what my mum has read out to me I don't like Simon either (although due credit to the guy, it is my understanding it is he who diagnosed that poor chap Gary Mckinnon with Aspergers who had been searching for proof of a UFO cover-up and prevented his extradition to the US).

    Are Simon and Sacha really cousins or was that a "word-play" joke?

    Babies stare at me too, feels really creepy to be honest. That said, the "human aura" is scientifically measurable (although probably not referred to with that phrase). The electromagnetic field of the brain can be measured externally, hardly surprising as we are bio-electric beings. What IS surprising is that the heart generates a magnetic field faaaar greater than the brain and can be measured from something like 10 feet away (but don't quote me on that!). I did about 7-10 years of obsessive research on suppressed medical technologies when my father died, however I got sick of the mocking as I have no "credibility", and also don't really care anymore as I really thought people would look at "evidence", and that is just not the case!

    There is a suggestion that babies can "see" aura's, which is why they stare at some people and not others, also that if one pays attention they will notice the baby staring slightly above their head and not directly at their eyes... I have no idea if this is true or not, I just remember reading about it.

    Hahaha, yes, "allusions to conspiracy theories"... I had a member of the Labour Party say to me once when I was talking to him about 9/11 "You're one of those conspiracy theorists aren't you", to which I replied "Ohhhh, you must be a coincidence theorist"! People forget, that Gravity is only a Theory, and yet it is now taught as "fact". At least when I was at school we were taught one can NEVER prove a theory, only disprove it. It's basic Socratic reasoning, we observe and form a theory, then gather evidence to support it, but it only takes a SINGLE piece of evidence to disprove a theory.

    I'm really not a smart bloke, and yet I've met so many supposedly highly intelligent and intellectual people who dismiss evidence without even looking at it because it doesn't "fit" their "belief structure". I showed my CBT counsellor the superb research of Dr. Bruce Lipton "the new biology where mind and matter meet" which show that Darwin's theory of evolution is experimentally proven wrong (not that evolution is wrong, just that "random mutations" and "survival of the fittest" is provably and demonstrably incorrect under laboratory conditions). Our species has spent BILLIONS on the Large Hadron Collider seeking out the Higgs Boson particle, which they suddenly claim to have found last year, but it was a euphoric "press release", no peer reviewed journal publication... why? Because it wasn't true, particles don't exist, they're an illusion of the "collapse of the wave function" if one wants to use the "quantum mechanics" model (and as Robert Anton Wilson made clear to me, the map is not the territory, the menu is not the meal). This is why I said in my original post about us all being of equal value, because each and every one of us creates a different mental model, but it's not real, it's just a model....

    Sorry, I'm going into rant mode, next thing you know I'll be demanding everyone question why "global warming" suddenly became "climate change".... I mean, "climate change", is that not the most insane, meaningless and banal phrase ever?!? And has anyone ever wondered why THE SUN is not included in research on "global warming" or why other planets such as Mars have increased in temperature??? *sigh*

    Back in the early 90's I was interested in UFO's, after years of research all I could PROVE and knew for sure was that "we're being lied to". A guy said to me, "Why are you so surprised conspiracies exist? It only takes two people to conspire, they're happening every day". I hadn't thought of it on a statistical level. He went on to point out that there were hundreds of thousands of people CLAIMING to have been abducted by aliens, but only ONE of them needed to be true to change the whole "we're alone in the universe" paradigm.

    Well I must thank you again IntenseWorld, for at the very least allowing me to vent my frustrations into the aether in this forum. I am aware I am an extremely complex being, paradoxical and profound in nature, and I will take it as a compliment assuming you think being "profound, philosophical and deep" is a good thing *chuckle*. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it! The trouble is, "thinking" can make one "unemployable" as there is no "profit" to be found in "bucking the system" or "fighting the machine". I was lucky to work for my parents for so many years, they accepted when I just couldn't face going to work or couldn't face seeing customers (although my dad did threaten to sack me and close the business on a number of occasions!). All this Aspergers stuff is from his side of the family though, and I'm still angry at him for dying back in 2001, all the grief he gave me about "being British" and having a "stiff upper lip" and then the bar-stuard goes and gives up on life at the age of 57... grrrrrr.....

    Sorry, it's late and I've had a tipple now... are you sure I'm not going to get banned?!? Thanks again for the "meeting of minds", I would urge you to start picking up the guitar, if only for a few minutes a day. Check out some website which shows the chord positions, E, A and D are the basis of sooooo many songs, then you can learn a C and G and within only a few weeks you'll find you can start producing sounds that are not just random noise (I assume you have some natural rhythm and timing? I can't sing to save my life, but then some people seem to think I can, so that's obviously not important, but "playing from the heart" and keeping a beat probably is).

    Thanks again, safe and peaceful journeys to thee and thine, Dream.

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