The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • WOW, I just googled the phrase you suggested then read the "Frontiers in Human Neuroscience" article and then "The Daily Beast" article... it appears VERY profound! Having had my Mother and Sister both burst out laughing when I've told them I perceive myself as VERY "empathic", the concept of being overwhelmed with too much emotion to cope makes soooo much sense.

    My mothers reading a book by Sasha Baron Cohen about lack of empathy, and my sister works in a special needs school and has been "taught" about "empathy" and believes herself to be very empathic (and yet does not "feel" the suffering of her 16 year old son who's in the process of being diagnosed - my sister's resisted having him "labelled" for years, however is afraid he's going to turn out like me! *chuckle*).

    I've argued that "empathy" is in actuality feeling another's pain, whilst sympathy is being with someone in pain (etymologically, both from Greek, em-pathy meaning in suffering whilst sym-pathy means together suffering). My sister used to foster before the paperwork and hoops needed to jump through became impossible, and I initially upset her by saying things like "sort your own children out first". HOWEVER, the first child she fostered was about 6 and had a cigarette burn on her hand, as soon as I saw it I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach and burst into tears. I immediately apologised to my sister and said "I totally understand now". My sister on the other hand did/does NOT cry upon seeing such suffering... bizarre.

    Also reading the "abstract" on the Frontiers site gave me a good chuckle as it brought back memories of helping my friend gain a masters degree in counseling psychology, at the end they even say "The theory also makes further predictions  ... and presents its own falsifying hypothesis." I remember how "academia" demands the presentation of both sides of any argument, but that phrase "it's own falsifying hypothesis" literally made me laugh out loud... my Father was a man of many maxims, and one of the phrases I always remembered was "Science: Always in error but never in doubt"... the more I learn the less I know and yet science is filled with more rigid dogma than religion these days!

    Sorry, I know I waffle on and am very verbose, it's just that I've never heard of the "Intense World Theory" and I found it quite intriguing.

    Sorry to hear your life is so stressful, I can imagine, I really struggle with children although they seem to think I'm great for some reason. Again, I remember my father saying "you can't put an old head on young shoulders", and yet it appears I try to do that very thing, inspire them with information and questions I think are worthy of asking (which apparently some of their teachers don't like *chuckle*).

    I tried to take guitar lessons in my 20's for a few months, but couldn't cope with the traveling and couldn't understand what on earth the guy was talking about. I'd specifically stated that I wanted to learn blues and nothing else, so really I ended up paying for a private gig once a fortnight and learnt nothing. For me, I found I had to enjoy what I was doing, so just bought a book on basic chords (which obviously now are freely available on the internet) and started off practicing the chords E, A and D for about 10 minutes a day (which was all my fingers and hands could bear). After a while of just strumming a single chord, I found I could get a "clean-ish" sound from it, so I'd do the same with another chord. After another "while" I'd start trying to change from one chord to the other. Over the years I seem to have built up enough basic chords to play quite a few songs (although I can't remember them when I stop practicing).

    I'm not breaching any "rules" talking about my YouTube channel here am I? I only joined today and don't want to immediately get myself into trouble!!! I've had some nice comments on a couple of covers I've done like "comfortably numb" and "Won't get Fooled Again", and I confess I feel a little pride in my own creations such as "Lord Dream - Original version written & performed by Dream" (which lyrically still means much to me), "Di & Dream's Hit from the 90's" (a joke not a lie!) and my last upload "Mind Fuel by Dream" (which when I googled with the quotation marks included comes up in the first page of google, which obviously then will lead you to my channel :-)

    Anything I've recorded of myself is usually in black and white, this was partially because on a subconscious level I wish people to realise "this is not real", "I am not me" and what one witnesses is only an aspect of my Self, a reflection or refraction if you will. How many people actually take the time to question: "Who are Me, my Self and I ???"... sadly not enough! *chuckle*. I've also uploaded the poems "If" and "Desiderata" which have brought me great comfort over the decades along with my public notice of name change (which again, most people fail to comprehend the meaning due to our awful failing and flawed indoctrination system we call "education" *sigh*).

    Anywayz, many thanks for taking the time to write IntenseWorld and making me feel welcome here... although I will curse you if I get banned tomorrow for having done something wrong! (I'M JOKING, I'M JOKING!!!!)

    I hope you receive some enjoyment from my music or other uploads :-)

    Safe journeys,


  • WOW, I just googled the phrase you suggested then read the "Frontiers in Human Neuroscience" article and then "The Daily Beast" article... it appears VERY profound! Having had my Mother and Sister both burst out laughing when I've told them I perceive myself as VERY "empathic", the concept of being overwhelmed with too much emotion to cope makes soooo much sense.

    My mothers reading a book by Sasha Baron Cohen about lack of empathy, and my sister works in a special needs school and has been "taught" about "empathy" and believes herself to be very empathic (and yet does not "feel" the suffering of her 16 year old son who's in the process of being diagnosed - my sister's resisted having him "labelled" for years, however is afraid he's going to turn out like me! *chuckle*).

    I've argued that "empathy" is in actuality feeling another's pain, whilst sympathy is being with someone in pain (etymologically, both from Greek, em-pathy meaning in suffering whilst sym-pathy means together suffering). My sister used to foster before the paperwork and hoops needed to jump through became impossible, and I initially upset her by saying things like "sort your own children out first". HOWEVER, the first child she fostered was about 6 and had a cigarette burn on her hand, as soon as I saw it I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach and burst into tears. I immediately apologised to my sister and said "I totally understand now". My sister on the other hand did/does NOT cry upon seeing such suffering... bizarre.

    Also reading the "abstract" on the Frontiers site gave me a good chuckle as it brought back memories of helping my friend gain a masters degree in counseling psychology, at the end they even say "The theory also makes further predictions  ... and presents its own falsifying hypothesis." I remember how "academia" demands the presentation of both sides of any argument, but that phrase "it's own falsifying hypothesis" literally made me laugh out loud... my Father was a man of many maxims, and one of the phrases I always remembered was "Science: Always in error but never in doubt"... the more I learn the less I know and yet science is filled with more rigid dogma than religion these days!

    Sorry, I know I waffle on and am very verbose, it's just that I've never heard of the "Intense World Theory" and I found it quite intriguing.

    Sorry to hear your life is so stressful, I can imagine, I really struggle with children although they seem to think I'm great for some reason. Again, I remember my father saying "you can't put an old head on young shoulders", and yet it appears I try to do that very thing, inspire them with information and questions I think are worthy of asking (which apparently some of their teachers don't like *chuckle*).

    I tried to take guitar lessons in my 20's for a few months, but couldn't cope with the traveling and couldn't understand what on earth the guy was talking about. I'd specifically stated that I wanted to learn blues and nothing else, so really I ended up paying for a private gig once a fortnight and learnt nothing. For me, I found I had to enjoy what I was doing, so just bought a book on basic chords (which obviously now are freely available on the internet) and started off practicing the chords E, A and D for about 10 minutes a day (which was all my fingers and hands could bear). After a while of just strumming a single chord, I found I could get a "clean-ish" sound from it, so I'd do the same with another chord. After another "while" I'd start trying to change from one chord to the other. Over the years I seem to have built up enough basic chords to play quite a few songs (although I can't remember them when I stop practicing).

    I'm not breaching any "rules" talking about my YouTube channel here am I? I only joined today and don't want to immediately get myself into trouble!!! I've had some nice comments on a couple of covers I've done like "comfortably numb" and "Won't get Fooled Again", and I confess I feel a little pride in my own creations such as "Lord Dream - Original version written & performed by Dream" (which lyrically still means much to me), "Di & Dream's Hit from the 90's" (a joke not a lie!) and my last upload "Mind Fuel by Dream" (which when I googled with the quotation marks included comes up in the first page of google, which obviously then will lead you to my channel :-)

    Anything I've recorded of myself is usually in black and white, this was partially because on a subconscious level I wish people to realise "this is not real", "I am not me" and what one witnesses is only an aspect of my Self, a reflection or refraction if you will. How many people actually take the time to question: "Who are Me, my Self and I ???"... sadly not enough! *chuckle*. I've also uploaded the poems "If" and "Desiderata" which have brought me great comfort over the decades along with my public notice of name change (which again, most people fail to comprehend the meaning due to our awful failing and flawed indoctrination system we call "education" *sigh*).

    Anywayz, many thanks for taking the time to write IntenseWorld and making me feel welcome here... although I will curse you if I get banned tomorrow for having done something wrong! (I'M JOKING, I'M JOKING!!!!)

    I hope you receive some enjoyment from my music or other uploads :-)

    Safe journeys,


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