The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • Hi IntenseWorld,

    Many thanks for your response, I'm fairly oblivious to "social etiquette" and as a general rule don't "join" groups ("not a team player" as they say *chuckle*).

    Sorry, no offense intended regarding age, I was "born old" and at 46 I feel it's been a long and tiresome trip, I know many people feel they are "young at heart", which is all that counts perhaps?

    Thank you for your "encouragement" with my music and writing, and also for the compliment (although my eloquence may be deceptive as I'm discovering we all have our own lexicon or language which is oft open to being misinterpreted). In my diagnostic report the Dr. commented on my "interesting word play"... in fact your quote is most appropriate about the "pen being mightier than the sword" as I remember hearing a chap saying something akin to "Words ARE Swords, they're designed to be cutting" :-)

    I am trying to get back into my music after not even picking up my guitar in 2012 (not that I can really play, just taught myself a handful of chords over a couple of decades). I managed to finish a tune in June and uploaded it to YouTube, perhaps I should use my channel to discuss Aspergers... I hadn't thought of that... something for me to ponder on, thanks for helping bring that thought into my mind.

    Not sure what I can add to this forum, but will continue to read the posts here and proffer my perspective if I think it could aid others.

    Thanks again for the "welcome", and "IntenseWorld" is a very appropriate monicker me thinks, as the world appears VERY intense from my perspective! :-)

  • Hi IntenseWorld,

    Many thanks for your response, I'm fairly oblivious to "social etiquette" and as a general rule don't "join" groups ("not a team player" as they say *chuckle*).

    Sorry, no offense intended regarding age, I was "born old" and at 46 I feel it's been a long and tiresome trip, I know many people feel they are "young at heart", which is all that counts perhaps?

    Thank you for your "encouragement" with my music and writing, and also for the compliment (although my eloquence may be deceptive as I'm discovering we all have our own lexicon or language which is oft open to being misinterpreted). In my diagnostic report the Dr. commented on my "interesting word play"... in fact your quote is most appropriate about the "pen being mightier than the sword" as I remember hearing a chap saying something akin to "Words ARE Swords, they're designed to be cutting" :-)

    I am trying to get back into my music after not even picking up my guitar in 2012 (not that I can really play, just taught myself a handful of chords over a couple of decades). I managed to finish a tune in June and uploaded it to YouTube, perhaps I should use my channel to discuss Aspergers... I hadn't thought of that... something for me to ponder on, thanks for helping bring that thought into my mind.

    Not sure what I can add to this forum, but will continue to read the posts here and proffer my perspective if I think it could aid others.

    Thanks again for the "welcome", and "IntenseWorld" is a very appropriate monicker me thinks, as the world appears VERY intense from my perspective! :-)

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