The Journey of I, Dream, the man...

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  • Hello Dream.

    There is no rule about introducing yourself, I didn't, I just started posting!

    Your story is very interesting to read.  Not at all inappropriate or pointless.  BTW, 42 isn't old!Foot in Mouth

    I enjoyed reading about you, I didn't find you negative.

    "what role a misanthropic, lonely, depressed old man is supposed to play..."

    " I want to write a book, play my guitar again, I have gifts to give the world"

    Play your guitar, tell your story or your emotions through your music.  Write a book (you are clearly very eloquent) and make that your fight.  By that I mean, the pen is mightier than the sword.  We need awareness out there, there is too much ignorance and that is what the battle of life hinges upon.

    Welcome.  Look forward to reading your posts.

  • Hello Dream.

    There is no rule about introducing yourself, I didn't, I just started posting!

    Your story is very interesting to read.  Not at all inappropriate or pointless.  BTW, 42 isn't old!Foot in Mouth

    I enjoyed reading about you, I didn't find you negative.

    "what role a misanthropic, lonely, depressed old man is supposed to play..."

    " I want to write a book, play my guitar again, I have gifts to give the world"

    Play your guitar, tell your story or your emotions through your music.  Write a book (you are clearly very eloquent) and make that your fight.  By that I mean, the pen is mightier than the sword.  We need awareness out there, there is too much ignorance and that is what the battle of life hinges upon.

    Welcome.  Look forward to reading your posts.

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