Aspergers social group Maidstone, Kent

Hey! I'm 33 and was diagnosed with Aspergers a couple of years ago. Looking to meet up with like minded people with the hope to form new friendships. After doing some research, I couldn't seem to find a local group to me. If any adults are interested in meeting for a coffee and some cake it'd be appreciated! I'm a very sociable person but struggle to maintain friendships with (most) neurotypical members of society. Hope you're well! 

  • Hello

    Thank you for sharing this with the community. You may want to use our Autism Services Directory to search for relevant groups in your area that cater for people with an autism spectrum disorder. You can find the Directory here: 

    I hope you find what you're looking for!


  • Hi! I can completely relate to wanting to build friendships and how difficult it can be to maintain meaningful relationships. I don’t really communicate with many of my neurotypical friends anymore especially since discovering my autism last year at 36 and the positive life changes that it can bring. 

    I am pre-diagnosis (10 days away), but I know!

    I’m in east Kent and I’m sure there’s some groups in the Canterbury area if you’re willing to travel that far! It’s all pretty new to me though but I like the idea of connecting with new people that people I can relate to and being able (hopefully) to drop the mask for a bit.

    If you don’t mind me asking, how has your life changed since diagnosis? Sorry for the long reply!