New here, help needed.

I could do with some advice please. I have recently been diagnosed, I'm 43. Since my diagnosis I have told virtually no one. I didn't have friends anyway but now find myself reluctant to even to talk to anyone at all, even just a  conversation. How do I get myself out of this, I am feeling isolated, lonely and have realised that I actually don't have any friends at all I am scared if people know my diagnosis they will just be polite and 'friendly' because of it. I know a couple of people have done that to other autistic people I'm aware of. Sorry for the long post. 

  • There is a YouTube video from Autism from the Inside on this with some excellent advice.. Some will try to "reassure" you that you are nit. They think they are helping. What helped me most was realising all the positive aspects of Autism which made me so successful. Again,  Paul Macaulif has an excellent video on this. It is this video that led me to admit to myself that I am Autistic. Once I knew the positive aspects, of my Autism  I was better able to deal with any negative comments from others. Autism runs in our family so, when I asked my sister if she thought I was autistic she agreed. Also I " came out" to a zoom group who understood Autism. Seems they all knew before I did. 

    Hope thus helps

  • Would you be able to post a link to that first video you mentioned, I would be interested in watching it

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