Am I autistic?

  • Hello everyone,

I am not diagnosed as autistic yet and I'm really scared of getting the diagnosis. I have been going to therapy for long time and for the last half year I was focusing more on myself, listening to my voice and on what I want instead of focusing on pleasing others or gaining acceptance. Since then I started to struggle in many areas of my life. Expressing myself feels harder than ever. Getting along with colleagues is hard and small talks don't make any sense. Recognising and controlling how I feel has always been hard for me. My sexual preferences are different than most people I've known which is something that I realized recently since I have always been focused on my partner more than myself. My communication style seems what they call "weird". My need for order and keeping everything in my house exactly the same or the big stress related to having a stranger in my house is creating tension with flatmate... I am becoming more of an introvert too and starting to feel like an "outsider". All these struggles started after I started listening to myself and my therapist recommended a diagnosis.. I'm not sure if I'm ready for it mentally or financially. My dear friend, who is on the autistic spectrum, advised me to join an autistic community since those struggles sound similar, and I really want to fit in somewhere and find people who can relate to my experience in some way.. I am so new here.. open for any advise. Do you think a diagnosis is important at this point of my journey?

  • I totally agree. What I have now is C-PSTD and the overlap is so big between the 2 conditions that I'm so terribly confused 

  • the only thing important is your life experience and whatever you have been through. a diagnosis or label or acceptance wont change anything, you know what you have been through, others and doctors will never truly understand or know. they dont have all the pieces you have. if you research every single personality disorder you will notice they all have the exact same symptoms and descriptions to the point you can just put your hands up and say its anything anyway, when you see they all share the same words and descriptors you realise how hard the doctors actually have it to pick a diagnosis on this lol

  • Thank you for sharing I will take a look at the video. 

  • I realised I was Autistic a few weeks ago and was never scared of it just was nit sure it applied to me. What did it for me was the YouTube Video from "Autism from the Inside calles 9 positive autisic traits. Now I can see that it is obvious that I am Autistic.  Indeed it has been my Autism that has made me successful in life. It also explains why CBT never worked for me. For an explanation again see the latest Autism from the Inside video on YouTube.