Going Blind

Hi everyone.
I'm not English.
I have seen the forum.
I don't know if it is possible to continue as I am not your citizen.
I use a translator to write, even though I can read English quite well.
I am diagnosed with HFA level 2.

Sorry for the weird name but I couldn't handle the format and the system generated it.
In case I can stay here, I ask how possible to change the Nickname.

I have ADHD and Bipolar Depression, I tend to be very introverted even if you won't see it in the forum.

I wrote a lot, I tend to write a lot.
I apologize for the incomprehensibility of my translation, and in the answers, if so, let me know and I will try to explain myself in the best way possible, I will gladly do it.

Thank you
  • Hi, sorry late reply.
    I had problems logging in, and I need to understand the layout of the forum better.
    So yes: Even if in Italy there have been some women at the head of the Senate parliament, let's start from 1979,
    Then Deputies.
    Now finally as Head of Government and also in the second party of the nation.
    Thatcher was highly regarded abroad, in Italy they called her the Iron Lady.
    That is, for her strong and decisive character: We know what she did, I think she was not very popular among the middle and poor class of society.
    Matriarchy was in force in my region.
    I can't tell you how much there really is equality of rights.
    Apparently it seems so, but the differences in fact exist against women.
    Even just to make a comparison of the Prime Minister: Giorgia Meloni has waited 30 years of political career.
    But in his party there was a very strong hegemony of another leader who then seemed better.
    And she lacked real support.
    Regarding her election, I remember what people said: they were in favour, they didn't have any wrong preconceptions: indeed she was and is considered a very decision-maker and with a very, very strong character.
    Now there is a Schlein woman in the first opposition party.
    Of opposing ideals.
    There is a mindset that promotes people because they are good at their job grade.
    But they often turn out to be not so good for the promotion on merit.
    These two women I mentioned won on merit over the male competition.
    In 2006 she was elected vice president of the Chamber of Deputies, she reports that they put her to the test.
    Also because they saw he was young enough for that role.
    All it took was a single counter-intervention by a deputy and she asserted her political qualities.
    He had immediate respect from everyone.
    The precedents were of another Iron Lady: 1994 Irene Pivetti, Speaker of the Chamber therefore a role immediately greater even she at 30 years of age.
    As for the roles in the work in some there is still disparity:
    In others they are the clear majority.
    In some roles yes: I think you're right
  • Thank you .
    I couldn't access the forum.
    That's why I couldn't answer.
    Now it's night, I'll try again tomorrow or later.
    I wanted to write to you that the impact is excellent: the sensation is of being among very interesting and rich people inside.
    Thanks to those who replied and sent messages, but I didn't understand how the forum works, and it's the first one that I don't intuitively understand how to use the functions.
    Give me a little time: thank you in the meantime, I'm happy to be back here
  • ah i forget other countries havent had female leaders yet.

    in the uk we have had female leaders for thousands of years. 

    although the recent ones like Margret thatcher and Theresa may weren't liked very well by anyone.
    queen elizabet counts even though people saw her as a figure head, all powers of government came from the monarchy and is passed down ceremonially at each prime ministers appointment so technically the queen has been our true leader for almost 100 years until she passed on. so the uk is pretty lucky on the equality among genders front. 

    although equality is skewed in other ways, like everything is based around peoples family and connections instead. most people only get a job through who they know not what they know, when you get a job all the management of each company is all related to one another and got in by family so managers and higher ups in business are not fit to lead and only got their positions by family. makes it impossible for anyone to advance or get anywhere unless they are related. if your not related your doomed to stay at the bottom of any job as the higher ups have enough family connections to keep the top positions full with their family.

  • Hi: in the meantime, thank you.
    You are very kind with me.
    First of all, sorry for the delay, but I had connection problems.
    You are a very nice person: I am very pleased with your answer :)
    Sorry because I wrote perhaps very little: I usually overdo it because I also have ADHD and I always tend to explain many things:
    The intent is always to help by providing information for our autistic little brothers who can express themselves with more difficulty than us.
    I am a very correct, honest and kind person.
    In an external world where often these characteristics are not so much appreciated.
    One important thing that I underline: I always fight social, gender, sexual attitude discrimination, and I really wish there were truly equal opportunities between people. In Italy it is happening: finally we have two women, one at the head of the Government:
    And a 37-year-old leader of the opposition.
    I find this very interesting; I would finally say not only in the sectors of the Senate and our Chamber of Deputies.
    Tell me if I wrote too much I hope not! :)
    Pleasure: thank you!
  • you sentence is better formed than most peoples, actual paragraphs and a readable state lol

    and yeah polar bears are cute no matter whether they are male or female, so its understandable to be bipolar.