

How are you? Smile

I was diagnosed on Tuesday which was my birthday. Usually I hate birthdays but I liked this one because it felt like I finally know who I am. The relief was immense and much needed after not knowing who I was all my life. I wish id known earlier tbh but im happy to know now. 

What is ur fave TV series? Just try to be nice and make convo. Mine is Stranger Things!

Parents Reply Children
  • It's been a real struggle to say the least but i'm no longer beating myself up for not performing socially. I did the Camouflaging Autistic Traits test and realized i've used just about every masking/camouflaging technique there is. I've been hiding my true self all this time which is sad but at least i understand myself better now. I have a gift though so it's not all bad Slight smile

    It's great you have a feeling of belonging now too and are understanding yourself better Slight smile

  • I found out at 44 last year. Suspicions were growing though! Exhaustion brought me to the assessors’ door. And also (the real tipping point) the brave and diplomatic suggestion of a colleague and friend who is one of those one in a million people that even someone as sensitive as me couldn’t take offence at. In fact I was deeply touched that she cared enough to say ‘maybe you should…’ 

  • O.M.G 35 years how did u cope that long? It's only been 16 4 me but felt like a hundred billion years! For ages I felt like an outside and so much confusion and now I feel I belong and understand things better. I'm glad ur have your own assessment soon. It will make u feel a lot better

  • Yes it really is amazing. I've lived in constant confusion for 35 years pretty much, not knowing why i was different but constantly searching for why. I haven't been assessed yet but will be in the next few months. It will just confirm what i already know (that i'm a high functioning autist)